The aim of this study was to identify loci influencing susceptibility to microvascular complications (nephropathy and retinopathy) in Pima Indians with type 2 diabetes. Affected sib-pair linkage analyses were performed on 98 diabetic sibling pairs with nephropathy in both members and on 103 sibling pairs with retinopathy in both members. Four chromosomal regions with some evidence of linkage (P < 0.01; logarithm of odds [LOD] >1.18) with nephropathy were identified. The strongest evidence for linkage with nephropathy was on chromosome 7, where two adjacent markers, D7S500 and D7S1804, were linked both by two-point analysis (LOD = 2.73 and LOD = 2.28; respectively) and by multipoint analysis (LOD = 2.04). Additional loci potentially linked to nephropathy were found on chromosome 3, near D3S3053 (multipoint LOD = 1.48); on chromosome 9, near D9S910 (multipoint LOD = 1.12) and D9S302 (two-point LOD = 1.28); and on chromosome 20, near D20S115 (multipoint LOD = 1.83) and GATA65E01 (two-point LOD = 1.89). Multipoint analyses showed two regions with some evidence for linkage to retinopathy: chromosome 3 between D3S3053 and D3S2427 (LOD = 1.36), and chromosome 9 between D9S1120 and D9S910 (LOD = 1.46). These linkage analyses suggest that a genetic element on chromosome 7 and possibly one on chromosome 20 influence susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy but not retinopathy. Genetic elements on chromosome 3 and 9 may determine susceptibility to both these complications. These loci could presumably influence susceptibility to the complications by influencing the microvasculature directly, by influencing the severity of hyperglycemia, or by other unknown mechanisms.

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