Davis RC, Castellani LW, Hosseini M, Ben-Zeev O, Mao HZ, Weinstein MM, Jung DY, Jun JY, Kim JK, Lusis AJ, Péterfy M. Early hepatic insulin resistance precedes the onset of diabetes in obese C57BLKS-db/db mice. Diabetes 2010;59:1616–1625

In the print version of the article listed above, there is a typographical error in the sentence “Moreover, these mice exhibited elevated plasma TG, but lower free fatty acid and total and HDL cholesterol levels relative to their B6-db counterparts (Fig. 1E-H).” The correct sentence is “Moreover, these mice exhibited elevated plasma TG (Fig. 1E), but lower free fatty acid (Fig. 1F) and total and HDL cholesterol levels (data not shown) relative to their B6-db counterparts.”

In Figure 2A, the identical image was reproduced due to an editorial error during the publishing process. The correct Figure 2A appears below.

The online version reflects these changes.