Sanchez-Alavez M, Tabarean IV, Osborn O, Mitsukawa K, Schaefer J, Dubins J, Holmberg KH, Klein I, Klaus J, Gomez LF, Kolb H, Secrest J, Jochems J, Myashiro K, Buckley P, Hadcock JR, Eberwine J, Conti B, Bartfai T. Insulin causes hyperthermia by direct inhibition of warm-sensitive neurons. Diabetes 2010;59:43–50

The print version of the article listed above contains a typographical error on page 44, in the sentence “Injections of insulin (or vehicle aCSF), PI3K-I (or vehicle aCSF with 5% DMSO), or insulin antibodies (I8510; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) (or vehicle aCSF) were administered directly to the POA through the POA-implanted cannula (anterior-posterior [AP] from bregma = −0.38 mm, lateral [Lat] = midline, ventral [V] = 3.8 mm, cannula 26 GA, 10 mm length) using an injector (33 GA, protruding 0.4 mm beyond the tip of the cannula, total length 10.4 mm) connected to plastic tubing and a microsyringe (10 μl) in a volume of 0.5 μl over a period of 5 min to allow diffusion (n = 5 mice per group).” The correct sentence should read as follows: “Injections of insulin (or vehicle aCSF), PI3K-I (or vehicle aCSF with 5% DMSO), or insulin antibodies (I8510; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) (or vehicle aCSF) were administered directly to the POA through the POA-implanted cannula (anterior-posterior [AP] from bregma = 0.38 mm, lateral [Lat] = midline, ventral [V] = 3.8 mm, cannula 26 GA, 10 mm length) using an injector (33 GA, protruding 0.4 mm beyond the tip of the cannula, total length 10.4 mm) connected to plastic tubing and a microsyringe (10 μl) in a volume of 0.5 μl over a period of 5 min to allow diffusion (n = 5 mice per group).” The online version reflects these changes.