Weiyu Zhang,1 Xianling Zhang,1,2 Huan Wang,1 Xin Guo,3 Honggui Li,3 Ying Wang,4 Xin Xu,1 Lyhun Tan,1 Mara T. Mashek,5 Chunxiang Zhang,6 Yingjie Chen,1 Douglas G. Mashek,5 Marc Foretz,7,8,9 Chuhong Zhu,1,10 Huaijun Zhou,4 Xu Liu,2 Benoit Viollet,7,8,9 Chaodong Wu,3 and Yuqing Huo1,11
The authors have formally requested to retract the above-titled article, which was published in the December 2012 print issue of Diabetes. The authors cite concerns that Figures 2F, 4G, and 6G included misgrouping errors that were not identified before the time of submission or publication. The authors apologize to the readers of Diabetes for any inconvenience this may have caused.
© 2012 by the American Diabetes Association.
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