Hayes MG, Urbanek M, Hivert M-F, Armstrong LL, Morrison J, Guo C, Lowe LP, Scheftner DA, Pluzhnikov A, Levine DM, McHugh CP, Ackerman CM, Bouchard L, Brisson D, Layden BT, Mirel D, Doheny KF, Leya MV, Lown-Hecht RN, Dyer AR, Metzger BE, Reddy TE, Cox NJ, and Lowe Jr., WL, for the HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group. Identification of HKDC1 and BACE2 as genes influencing glycemic traits during pregnancy through genome-wide association studies. Diabetes 2013;62:3282–3291

In the article listed above, there is an error in the affiliation listing for author Brian T. Layden. His affiliation should have included the Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois. The Acknowledgments section also should have read: B.T.L. is supported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Office of Research and Development (Career Development Grant 51K2BX001587-02).

The online version reflects these changes.

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Supplementary data