Evaluating risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D) depends on determining an individual’s HLA type, especially of the HLA DRB1 and DQB1 alleles. Individuals positive for HLA-DRB1*03 (DR3) or HLA-DRB1*04 (DR4) with DQB1*03:02 (DQ8) have the highest risk of developing T1D. Currently, HLA typing methods are relatively expensive and time consuming. We sought to determine the minimum number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that could rapidly define the HLA-DR types relevant to T1D, namely, DR3/4, DR3/3, DR4/4, DR3/X, DR4/X, and DRX/X (where X is neither DR3 nor DR4), and could distinguish the highest-risk DR4 type (DR4-DQ8) as well as the non-T1D–associated DR4-DQB1*03:01 type. We analyzed 19,035 SNPs of 10,579 subjects (7,405 from a discovery set and 3,174 from a validation set) from the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium and developed a novel machine learning method to select as few as three SNPs that could define the HLA-DR and HLA-DQ types accurately. The overall accuracy was 99.3%, area under curve was 0.997, true-positive rates were >0.99, and false-positive rates were <0.001. We confirmed the reliability of these SNPs by 10-fold cross-validation. Our approach predicts HLA-DR/DQ types relevant to T1D more accurately than existing methods and is rapid and cost-effective.
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease with both genetic and environmental components. More than 60 genes have been identified to affect the risk of T1D, with the HLA loci having the greatest impact on susceptibility (1,2). The association of T1D with alleles at HLA loci, especially the HLA class II genes DR and DQ, is well-validated (3). The DR-DQ types contributing the most risk are HLA-DRB1*03 (DR3), typically observed in haplotypic association with DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01 (DQ2), and HLA-DRB1*04 (DR4) in haplotypic association with DQA1*03-DQB1*03:02 (DQ8). The highest risk is seen in individuals who are heterozygous for these types. In contrast, HLA-DRB1*04 (DR4) in haplotypic association with DQA1*03-DQB1*03:01 (DQ7) is not associated with a high risk for T1D.
HLA allele typing assists in determining risk for T1D and in studies to understand the pathogenesis of T1D. It is particularly useful in prevention and intervention trials that test potential preventative treatments in high-risk subjects (4). HLA typing also is required in genetic studies aimed at determining the molecular basis of T1D susceptibility, such as those performed by the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium (T1DGC) (5). However, the high cost of HLA genotyping not only is a major imposition on such large-scale programs but also is beyond the reach of small research groups. Several studies have recently undertaken prediction of HLA alleles using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variation within the region (6–9). However, these methods did not focus on DR-DQ types, so the accuracy of prediction was not high even though a relatively large set of typed SNPs within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) was used (e.g., 49 selected SNPs were used to impute HLA-B, HLA-DRB1, and HLA-DQB1 types in 9). Barker et al. (10) set the scene for rapid identification of HLA haplotypes relevant to T1D by finding two SNPs that could identify the HLA type with the highest risk for T1D, namely DR3/DR4 and DQ8. However, they only reported the predictive results for DR3/4 heterozygotes. Individuals homozygous for DR3 or DR4 also have an increased risk for developing T1D, but these and other DR types relevant to T1D were not distinguished by these SNPs (10).
We therefore sought to find a minimal set of SNPs that could accurately annotate the six major DR type categories relevant for T1D risk: heterozygosity for DR3 and DR4 (denoted here as DR3/4); homozygosity for DR3 or DR4 (DR3/3 or DR4/4, respectively); carriage of a single DR3 type and a non-DR3, non-DR4 type (DR3/X); carriage of a single DR4 type and a non-DR3, non-DR4 type (DR4/X); and absence of both DR3 and DR4 (DRX/X). In addition, we reviewed the previously described SNPs for the DR3/DR4 and DQ8 types and sought to annotate the risk associated with different DR4 types: DR4-DQ8 (DQB1*03:02) and DR4-DQ7 (DQB1*03:01).
Subjects were from the T1DGC, which conducted the world’s largest linkage study on >4,000 affected sib-pair families (11). Each family member was fully typed at the classical HLA loci as well as at 3,000 SNPs throughout the HLA complex (12). Recently, 10,579 T1DGC family members were typed at an additional 19,035 HLA SNPs as part of the Immunochip project. In this study, subjects were selected according to HLA-DR type using SIBSHIPPER (www.sysgen.org/sibshipper). Haplotypes were determined using Merlin (13) and SNPs most associated with particular DR types determined using PLINK (14). For the purpose of validation, 10,579 subjects were randomly selected and separated into two subsets, namely, a “discovery” set with 70% of the total samples (n = 7,405 subjects) and a “validation” set with the remaining 30% of samples (n = 3,174 subjects).
Determination of SNPs that define HLA types.
We applied feature selection methods to determine a minimum set of SNPs that could correctly identify HLA-DR types. The goal of feature selection is to choose a subset of input features that still maintains the accuracy of prediction but considerably decreases the running time of the classifier built using only the selected features (15). Feature selection methods can be one of two types: “filter” or “wrapper” (16). Filter methods are general preprocessing algorithms that do not assume the use of a specific classification method. Wrapper methods, in contrast, use a search through the space of feature sets using accuracy of a classification algorithm as the measure of goodness of a feature subset. For the sake of comparison, we applied both types of feature selection methods to our dataset. For the filter methods, we selected two well-known feature selection algorithms: RELIEF and Information Gain (17,18). In addition, we devised a novel feature selection method using a heuristic search. The novel method takes into account the advantages of both filter and wrapper feature selection methods. First, we calculated the information gain ratio (IGR) (19) for each SNP feature to decide which SNPs were most relevant to the HLA-DR/DQ types. In information theory, IGR of SNP with respect to HLA-DR type is the ratio between the Kullback-Leibler divergence (information gain or relative entropy) and the intrinsic value (split information) as follows:
where k is the number of distinct HLA-DR types (k = 6), m is the number distinct genotypes (m = 3) of each SNP, pi is the probability of a HLA-DR type i, pj is the probability of a SNP genotype j, and pij is the joint probability of a HLA-DR type i and a SNP genotype j. Gain ratio, ranging from 0 to 1, adjusts the information gain to avoid the problem of overfitting during the learning task. Next, from the reduced subset of SNPs, the specific features were wrapped using the RIPPER rule method (20). We chose the RIPPER algorithm to “wrap” the SNPs because it is fast and has algorithmic complexity of O(nlogn), where n is the number of samples. Thus, we could efficiently perform a global search of a reduced subset of SNPs. Note that to avoid the overfitting issue during the feature selection task, we applied our method only to the discovery set (i.e., 70% samples).
Our new method, termed “GRASPER” (Gain Ratio And Sequential Wrapper method), implements the following tasks:
1) Start with initial set of SNPs.
2) Calculate IGR for each SNP.
3) Select top-ranked SNPs based on IGR, for example, S.
4) For each subset Ssub ⊆ S, apply RIPPER algorithm to predict HLA-DR types using Ssub and retain Ssub that achieves maximum accuracy.
5) Plot the decay graph of maximum accuracy for each Ssub.
The selected SNPs were subjected to 10-fold cross-validation on the discovery set. The discovery dataset was further randomly divided into 10 subsets each of six DR types. For each iteration, we computed predictions for a single subset using the model trained with the other nine subsets. The cross-validation process was repeated 10 times and results from the 10 iterations were averaged. Finally, we applied the predictive rules generated in the discovery set to the validation set and reported the predictive results.
Determination of SNPs associated with particular HLA types.
To identify SNPs that could define the DR3 and DR4 types, individuals who were homozygous DR3/3 or DR4/4, as well as those who were DR3/4 and DRx/x, were selected from the T1DGC family collection (5,12). Twenty-seven SNPs most associated with these HLA-DR types were identified. We chose these SNPs for further study and also included the two SNPs (rs2187668 and rs7454108) that were reported previously for defining the heterozygous DR3/4, DQ8 (DQB1*03:02) positive type (10). The location and regional linkage disequilibrium of all 29 SNPs are shown on the map presented in Fig. 1.
Selection of a minimal set of SNPs to predict HLA-DR types.
To determine the minimal number of SNPs to identify the T1D-associated HLA-DR types, we first calculated IGR for each of 29 SNPs, and then selected the seven best SNPs that had the highest IGRs to begin a process of sequentially reducing the set by one SNP at each iteration. During this “wrapping” process, we tracked the accuracy and area under the curve (AUC) at each step. The AUC from receiver-operator characteristic curves is widely used to measure the accuracy of predictive models (21,22). These curves plot the relationship between the true-positive rate and false-positive rate across all possible threshold values that define the HLA-DR type. The AUC associated with each of the HLA-DR types ranges from 0.5 to 1, for which a higher number implies a better discriminative model to predict HLA-DR type for a subject.
Figure 2 shows how the AUC of the SNP selection method decayed at each step of SNP deletion for both the discovery and validation datasets. The decay graph shows that two SNPs (rs2854275 and rs3104413) can precisely predict T1D-associated HLA-DR types while still maintaining maximum accuracy. These SNPs achieved an overall accuracy of 99.3% and AUC of 0.997 in both the discovery and validation datasets, whereas the accuracy of using all 29 SNPs to annotate HLA-DR types was 99.4% and AUC was 0.997. This accuracy compares favorably with the HLA genotyping accuracy performed on the same dataset, for which a Mendelian inheritance error of 0.21% and interlaboratory concordance rate of 99.68% were reported (23). Note that the reported accuracies here were averaged from the 10-fold cross-validation test on the combined dataset. At the one SNP stage (rs2854275), the overall accuracy was only 60.1%. Thus, our predictor using two SNPs is optimally efficient and sacrifices only a small portion of the subjects tested.
We sought further reliability of the selected SNPs to predict HLA-DR types by using other machine learning methods, namely, support vector machines (24), Random Forest (25), Decision Tree C4.5 (26), and logistic regression (27). Figure 3 shows that performance measures of these five machine learning methods in predicting HLA-DR types were relatively comparable. These analyses also confirmed the reliability of predicting HLA-DR types using the two selected SNPs. To ensure optimal SNP selection, we also tested other feature selection methods. The best SNPs selected by both Information Gain and RELIEF methods (rs6931277 and rs3104413) were unable to predict all six T1D-associated HLA-DR types, as shown in Table 1. Our method keeps track of alternative two-SNP sets that also can asymptotically predict DR types.
Despite subjects being recruited from four environmentally and ethnically diverse T1DGC recruitment networks, there was no significant difference in predictive accuracy by network of origin (Table 2).
Selection of a minimal set of SNPs to predict the high-risk DR3/4, DQ8 (DQB1*03:02) positive type.
We also compared the ability of the two previously described SNPs (rs2854275 and rs3104413) to predict the high T1D risk heterozygous DR3/4, DQ8 positive type. Of 10,576 individuals with available DRB1 and DQB1 types in the dataset, 2,513 had the DR3/4-DQ8 type whereas 8,063 did not. These two SNPs could predict the DR3/DR4, DQ8 positive type at 97.9% accuracy and 0.98 AUC. This result implied that a majority of individuals typed with DR3/4 also were DQ8-positive. In fact, of 2,713 DR3/DR4-positive individuals in our dataset, 2,513 were also DQ8-positive.
To maximize the accuracy of predicting DR3/DR4, DQ8 type, we searched for an additional SNP that could better-tag the DQ8 type. We found that any of five SNPs (rs9273363, rs9275184, rs9275495, s9275532, rs9275334) could be used together with the two selected SNPs (rs2854275 and rs3104413) to achieve 99.8% accuracy and 0.995 AUC in distinguishing subjects with or without the heterozygous DR3/DR4, DQ8 type. Note that in this SNP selection phase, we also followed the procedure strictly as mentioned to avoid any bias in selecting SNPs.
Using the selected SNPs to predict DR-DQ types.
The risk associated with individual DR-DQ types differs. For example, DRB1*04:01-DQA1*03:01-DQB1*03:01 (DR4-DQ7) has an odds ratio (OR) of 0.35, whereas DRB1*04:01–DQA1*03:01-DQB1*03:02 (DR4-DQ8) has an OR of 8.39 (28,29,30). We therefore sought to distinguish DR4-positive individuals into three subtypes: high-risk DR4-DQ8 individuals; low-risk DR4-DQ7 individuals; and others (i.e., DR4 individuals with neither DQ8 nor DQ7). Of 4,083 DR4 individuals, 3,626 were DQ8-positive, 344 were DQ7-positive, and 113 were neither DQ8-positive nor DQ7-positive. Using the same rules developed from these selected SNPs (rs3104413, rs2854275, and rs9273363), we could accurately classify DR4 subjects into DR4-DQ8 subtypes at AUC of 0.97 and into DR4-DQ7 subtypes at AUC of 0.96.
Similarly, DRB1*03:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01 is associated with susceptibility with an OR of 3.65, whereas DQB1*02:01 in association with DRB1*04:01-DQA1*03:01 is neutral with an OR of 1.48 (28). We therefore sought to determine if the selected SNPs could distinguish individuals with and without DRB1*03:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01 types. Of 10,576 individuals with available DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 types, 5,268 carried DRB1*03:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01 alleles. Only SNP rs2854275 could distinguish individuals with and without these types, with 99.8% accuracy and 0.998 AUC.
Using the selected SNPs to predict DQ types.
It is worth noting that the three selected SNPs predict DQ types significantly better than by using DR types based on linkage disequilibrium patterns. Because the DQ loci are in strong linkage disequilibrium with DR loci, we set-up a logistic regression using DR types alone to predict a subject with DQ7 or DQ8 or other DQ subtypes. The predictive model generated an overall AUC of 0.91 using 10-fold cross-validation. However, this model could not assign DQ7 subtypes to individuals, having a modest AUC of 0.66. We therefore developed another logistic regression method that, using the three selected SNPs and without DR type information, predicted DQ types with an overall AUC at 0.98.
Rules for determining HLA types relevant to T1D.
Inductive machine learning methods such as RIPPER or C4.5 can generate models in terms of IF-THEN rules or decision trees, which are more human-comprehensible than other methods such as logistic regression or support vector machine. We developed compact and understandable rules generated by the RIPPER algorithm to identify subjects with each of the HLA-DR types, including DR3/DR4-DQB1*03:02, DR4-DQB1*03:02, and DRB1*03:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01. These simple rules are visualized in Fig. 4.
The performance measures described show that as few as two SNPs in the MHC region can be used to predict the allelic status of key HLA class II genes with ∼99% accuracy. Two SNPs (rs2854275 and rs3104413) were identified that were able to predict six associated HLA-DR types with an accuracy of 99.3% and AUC of 0.997. We note that of 10,579 individuals, only 58 (from 55 families) were incorrectly classified into six HLA-DR types using the two SNPs. In comparison, the performance measures of the two SNPs (rs7454108 and rs2187668) previously published by Barker et al. (10) in determining the six HLA-DR types were 90.5% accuracy and 0.97 AUC (Table 3). In particular, the true-positive rate using the two published SNPs (8) in predicting DR4/4 types was only 69%. Our results also were validated by five machine learning methods, namely RIPPER, logistic regression, Random Forest, support vector machine, and C4.5. A review of the incorrect DR types determined using the two SNPs showed that more than half (n = 40) were associated with infrequent DRB1-DQA1-DQB1 types. For example, the failure to predict DR4 was associated with the presence of DRB1*09:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01 (n = 19) and the failure to detect DR3 was associated with the presence of DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01 in the absence of DRB1*03:01 (n = 4).
The overall accuracy of the selected SNPs for inferring DR4-DQ types was ∼97%. Of 130 incorrectly classified types, 104 were associated with infrequent DR4-DQ types; the failure to predict DR4-DQ7 was associated with DR4-DQA1*03:01-DQB1*03:04 (n = 60), DR4-DQA1*03:01-DQB1*02:01 (n = 40), or DR-DQA1*03:01-DQB1*04:02 (n = 4). It is of note that the most frequent, DR4-DQA1*03:01-DQB1*03:04, also is considered to share the DQ7 serological epitope. Thus, if the low-risk DR4-DQ7 includes DQA1*03:01-DQB1*03:01 and DQA1*03:01-DQB1*03:04, then the overall accuracy for inferring DR4-DQ types increases to 98% and the number of misclassifications is only 70 types. Similarly, the failure to detect DR4-DQ8 was observed in 26 types, of which 20 were infrequent DQB1 types: DQB1*03:03 with DQB1*02:01 or *03:01 or *03:04. In addition to unusual patterns of linkage equilibrium, Mendelian inheritance error and data quality also may contribute to genotyping discrepancies. The high accuracy is consistent with the proximity of the SNPs to the class II genes (rs3104413 is located in the intergenic region between HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQA1, rs2854275 is within the HLA-DQB1 gene, and rs9273363 is in close proximity to the HLA-DQB1 gene) and with the strong linkage disequilibrium between HLA genes.
The prevalence of T1D is ∼1 in 300 individuals in many countries worldwide. The Diabetes Autoimmunity Study of the Young (DAISY) group reported that siblings sharing both HLA-DR3/4 types identical by descent had a 55% risk of T1D by age 12 years and 63% risk of developing islet cell autoantibodies by age 7 years. Siblings sharing zero or a single type from the HLA-DR3/4 phenotype had a 5% risk of T1D by age 12 years and 20% risk for islet cell autoantibodies by age 15 years (30). Our two-SNP set was efficient enough and can be used to perform clinical tests on high-risk subjects cost-effectively by most laboratories in a relatively short period of time, avoiding more expensive HLA genotyping. Furthermore, we can directly apply our rules to predict HLA genes for samples that have already been typed, e.g., in genome-wide association studies.
It is important to acknowledge the drawbacks of our method. First, we had to assume that the SNPs most associated with particular DR types are within the MHC regions and are approximately preselected. Second, we performed a “hill-climbing search,” which is not guaranteed to find the best possible solution out of all possible solutions; this implies there may be other combination of SNPs that could better-predict HLA genes. However, the decay graph indicates that in terms of accuracy, the two SNPs selected by our method are almost as accurate as all 29 SNPs.
Our approach can be further applied to other autoimmune diseases in which the MHC plays a significant role in susceptibility and HLA allele–based risk prediction is appropriate, e.g., multiple sclerosis or celiac disease. In conclusion, we have developed a method to facilitate the selection of a minimal set of maximally informative SNPs that predict the HLA-DR types relevant to T1D, providing a cost-effective means to screen for T1D risk.
This work was supported by program grants 53000400 and 37612600 from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia and by The Diabetes Research Foundation of Western Australia. C.N. was supported by grant 1DP3DK085678-01 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and is supported by The Diabetes Research Foundation of Western Australia. This research utilizes resources provided by the Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium, a collaborative clinical study sponsored by NIDDK, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International and supported by U01 DK062418.
No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.
C.N. performed analyses, wrote computer programs, discussed the project, and helped prepare the manuscript. M.D.V. and L.C.H. discussed data and helped prepare the manuscript. G.M. designed the project, analyzed data and wrote the manuscript. C.N. is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
The authors thank Suna Onengut, Wei-Min Chen, Emily Farber, Patrick Concannon, and Stephen S. Rich, Center for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, for providing HLA SNP type data from the Immunochip project and Margo Honeyman, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, and Lloyd D’Orsogna, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, for helpful comments regarding the manuscript.