Pregnancy in rodents is associated with a two- to threefold increase in β-cell mass, which is attributable to large increases in β-cell proliferation, complimented by increases in β-cell size, survival, and function and mediated mainly by the lactogenic hormones prolactin (PRL) and placental lactogens. In humans, however, β-cell mass does not increase as dramatically during pregnancy, and PRL fails to activate proliferation in human islets in vitro. To determine why, we explored the human PRL–prolactin receptor (hPRLR)–Janus kinase 2 (JAK2)–signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5)–cyclin–cdk signaling cascade in human β-cells. Surprisingly, adult human β-cells express little or no PRLR. As expected, restoration of the hPRLR in human β-cells rescued JAK2-STAT5 signaling in response to PRL. However, rescuing hPRLR-STAT5 signaling nevertheless failed to confer proliferative ability on adult human β-cells in response to PRL. Surprisingly, mouse (but not human) Stat5a overexpression led to upregulation of cyclins D1–3 and cdk4, as well as their nuclear translocation, all of which are associated with β-cell cycle entry. Collectively, the findings show that human β-cells fail to proliferate in response to PRL for multiple reasons, one of which is a paucity of functional PRL receptors, and that murine Stat5 overexpression is able to bypass these impediments.
Types 1 and 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) result partially or completely from a lack of requisite numbers of functional human β-cells. Adult human β-cells are remarkably resistant to the induction of proliferation, likely for many reasons (1–10). One contributing factor may be the sequestration of cyclins A, E, D1, and D3, as well as their cdk partners (cdks 1,2, 4 and 6), in the cytoplasm in quiescent adult human β-cells (9–12). Forced overexpression of cyclins/cdks permits induction of cell cycle entry associated with nuclear translocation of cyclins and cdks, suggesting that trafficking and proliferative events are linked (9–12). Interestingly, cyclin D2—in contrast to its abundance and essential presence for rodent β-cell proliferation (13–15)—is either absent or present at very low levels in human β-cells (16–19). Although the reasons for this difference are unknown, overexpression of cyclin D2 can induce human β-cell cycle entry (17). Therefore, identification of any factor or signal in human β-cells to increase cyclins/cdks and their nuclear trafficking may provide a useful hint to promote human β-cell proliferation and expansion for diabetes therapy.
GDM in humans and rodents is attributable to insulin resistance resulting from pregnancy-associated hormonal changes, as well as an inadequate β-cell response to this resistance (20–36). During normal rodent pregnancy, β-cell proliferation together with an increase in individual β-cell size result in a 200–300% increase in β-cell mass (27–31). Further, increases in glucokinase activity result in a shift in the glucose-stimulated insulin secretion curve, such that more insulin is secreted per β-cell at any given glucose concentration (21–23), changes attributed to production of placental lactogens (PLs) as well as pituitary-derived prolactin (PRL) (21–36). PRL and PLs signal through multiple pathways, including Janus kinase 2 (JAK2)–signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5) signaling (10,24–26), to activate pathways farther downstream, such as a Bcl6-menin-p18INK4/p27CIP 34, Tph1/2-serotonin-5HTR (32,35), FoxM1 (30), and HGF-cMet (33,37) pathways, as well as cross-talk with phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt–mammalian target of rapamycin and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling (38). In rodent models, these changes require the interaction of PL/PRL with PRL receptors (PRLRs), the reduction of which in vivo models leads to β-cell failure and GDM (31,32).
In contrast to rodents, in the single large series of human β-cell adaptation to pregnancy, there was only a minor (40%) increase in β-cell mass. This was attributable not to β-cell proliferation but, rather, to neogenesis of small islet clusters (8). Remarkably, there was no measurable increase in β-cell proliferation or size. This neogenesis-driven increase in β-cell mass is presumably sufficient to overcome the insulin resistance of pregnancy. The reasons for this discrepancy between gravid rodents and humans are uncertain, but they may reflect differences in age or interspecies differences. Human genome-wide association studies suggest that polymorphisms in the hPRLR gene increase the risk for GDM (39).
Here, we explored the regulation of d-cyclins and cdks by upstream signaling pathways in human β-cells, hoping to define a complete pathway from a cell surface receptor, through a signaling cascade, to activation of cell cycle machinery. This led us to the lactogenic signaling pathway and to the surprising observation that adult human β-cells contain few, if any, PRLRs. This paucity seems to explain, albeit only partially, the failure of human β-cells to proliferate in response to PRL/PL.
Research Design and Methods
Recombinant adenoviruses expressing cytomegalovirus (CMV)-driven human constitutively activated protein kinase B (PKB), mouse Stat5a, human c-MYC, green fluorescent protein (GFP), or β-galactosidase (LacZ) have been described (11,12,16,17,28,40–42). The adenovirus expressing full-length hPRLR was purchased from Signagen Laboratories (Gaithersburg, MD). Ad.STAT5A was generated using the pAd/CMV/V5-DEST GATEWAY recombination system (Life Technologies) and a pDONR221 plasmid containing the human full-length STAT5A cDNA obtained from PlasmID at Dana Farber Cancer Center, Boston, MA.
Human and Rat Islets, Human Pancreas, Mammary Gland Epithelia, and Cancer Cell Lines
Fifty-nine human islet preparations from nondiabetic human donors (mean age ± SEM of 45 ± 7 years; range 19–68 years; mean BMI ± SEM if 27 ± 4 kg/m2; 32 males, 27 females) were provided by the Integrated Islet Distribution Program ( Upon arrival, islets were transferred to RPMI-1640 complete medium supplemented with 5.5 mmol/L glucose, 0.5% fetal bovine serum, 0.2% bovine serum albumin, and 2% penicillin/streptomycin for overnight recovery at 37°C (5% CO2). Rat islets were isolated from 1- to 2-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River Laboratories) and cultured overnight before experiments as described elsewhere (40) and as approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Mount Sinai. Normal human mammary gland epithelia were provided by the Komen Foundation. Normal adult human pancreas sections from four de-identified surgical specimens were obtained from the Department of Pathology at Mount Sinai Hospital. Human tumor cell lines (MCF-7, T47D, HCT-116, HepG2, or HEK-293) were from American Type Culture Collection.
Adenovirus Transduction, Culture Conditions, and Cell Lines
Islets were dispersed into single cells with trypsin/EDTA and distributed into 96-well plates (for immunoblot and real-time RT-PCR assays) or poly-d-lysine/laminin-coated chamber slides (BD Biosciences; for immunostaining assays). Cells were transduced with adenoviruses at the multiplicity of infection (MOI) described in the text or figure legends for 2 h in serum-free RMPI-1640 medium (11,12,16,17,40). RPMI-1640 complete medium with 10% FBS was then added, and the cells were cultured and treated further, as described below. For human PRL (hPRL) treatment, islet cells were incubated in complete culture medium containing 5.5 mmol/L glucose, 0.5% FBS, 0.2% bovine serum albumin, and 300 or 400 ng/mL recombinant hPRL (Sigma or R&D Systems) as indicated. Medium was refreshed every 2 or 3 days. For BrdU studies, islet cells were treated with BrdU (50 μmol/L) (Sigma) for 24 h before fixation; MCF7 and T47D cells were stimulated with 300 ng/mL PRL for 16 h, followed by 10 μmol/L BrdU for 30 min.
Cell lysates were resolved on 10% SDS-PAGE (Fisher Scientific), transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride membranes (Bio-Rad), blocked for 1 h in 5% milk/Tris-buffered saline with Tween-20, probed overnight with primary antisera (Supplementary Table 1), and then probed with horseradish peroxidase–conjugated secondary antibodies and visualized using enhanced chemiluminescence (GE Healthcare or Advansta) on X-ray film. Densitometric quantification was performed using ImageJ software.
Histology, Immunocytochemistry, and Morphological Analysis
Dispersed islet cells on chamber slides were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde/PBS for 15 min and immunolabeled (11,12,16,17,41,42). Briefly, after antigen retrieval with NaCitrate (Dako), cells were incubated overnight with primary antisera (Supplementary Table 2). For BrdU or Ki-67 immunostaining, a second antigen retrieval was performed using 2 N HCl at 25°C for 10 min before primary antibody incubation. Antigen–antibody complexes were incubated further with secondary antibodies conjugated with either Cy3, fluorescein isothiocyanate (Jackson ImmunoResearch), or AlexaFluor (Life Technologies). Cells were counterstained with DAPI. Images were captured on a Leica SP5 DM confocal microscope and analyzed using ImagePro software. In each BrdU incorporation experiment, a minimum of 1,000 insulin-positive cells were counted.
TaqMan Real-Time RT-PCR
Total RNA was purified using the Absolutely RNA Miniprep purification kit (Agilent Technologies) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. cDNA was prepared using the Superscript double-stranded cDNA synthesis kit (Life Technologies). Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was performed using an ABI Prism 7500 detection system (Applied Biosystems) with TaqMan or SYBR green RT-PCR Master Mix reagents, primer/probe sets, and 10–100 ng of cDNA as the template. The ratio of mRNA for the gene of interest to the amount of internal control mRNA of cyclophilin A (PPIA) was calculated, and the ratio for each gene was normalized to its median. Primers and probes are shown in Supplementary Tables 3 and 4.
Analysis was performed using unpaired, two-tailed Student t test or by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test for multiple group comparisons. Data are presented as means ± SEMs. Significance was set at P ≤ 0.05.
Expression, Abundance, and Stability of d-cyclins and Cdks in Human Islets
We first validated d-cyclin and cdk4/6 antisera directed against each of the three d-cyclins and cdk4/6 in human islets; antisera were confirmed as being specific for cyclins D1, D2, and D3 and cdk4/6, failing to cross-react with other d-cyclins or cdks (Supplementary Fig. 1A). As reported previously (16–19), human islets contain the easily detectable cyclins D1 and D3 and cdk4/6, but little if any cyclin D2 (Supplementary Fig. 1A and F–J). We next assessed steady-state cyclin D1, D2, and D3 mRNA abundance in five human islet preparations (H1–H5) and in three human cell lines (HepG2, HK2, and Calu-6) (Supplementary Fig. 1B). Cyclin D2 mRNA abundance was variable but readily detected in all five human islet preparations, and it seemed to be comparable to the three human cell lines. Within the constraints of different primer affinities, cyclin D2 mRNA abundance in human islets was not notably different than the abundance of cyclins D1 and D3. Studies of cycloheximide half-life (T1/2) of human islets revealed that cyclins D1 and D3 had T1/2 values of 40–60 min (Supplementary Fig. 1C and E). Since cyclin D2 is not easily detectable in human islets, cyclin D2 was expressed adenovirally at levels approximating those of endogenous cyclins D1 and D3 (Supplementary Fig. 1D). The T1/2 of cyclin D2 (35 min) was slightly briefer than that of the other d-cyclins, suggesting that slightly more rapid degradation may contribute to the small amounts of cyclin D2 in human islets. As expected, cdk4 and cdk6 were very stable, with T1/2 values of >24 h (Supplementary Fig. 1F and G). The proteasome inhibitor MG132 was used to further assess d-cyclin stability (Supplementary Fig. 1H–J). Abundance of each of the three d-cyclins increased with MG132 treatment, with cyclin D1 and D3 increasing by four- to sixfold by 2 h, and cyclin D2 increasing by twofold. Collectively, these studies document that all three d-cyclins are rapidly degraded by the proteasome in human islets, with the possibility of cyclin D2 being degraded slightly more rapidly. Since cyclin D2 mRNA is present in human β-cells and cyclin D2 protein is increased with proteasome inhibition, it seems that at least some cyclin D2 mRNA is translated into protein, albeit perhaps not as efficiently as are cyclins D1 and D3. Cdks 4 and 6 are very stable (T1/2 >24 h) in human islets.
Comparison of Effects of Akt/PKB, c-MYC, and Stat5a Induction on d-cyclin and Cdk Abundance and Nuclear Translocation in the Human β-Cell
We next queried whether the d-cyclins and cdks 4/6 could be upregulated by adenoviral activation of Akt/PKB, c-MYC, and Stat5a (10,24–26,41,42). Adenoviral delivery of Akt/PKB, c-MYC, and Stat5 was confirmed by immunoblot and immunocytochemistry (Fig. 1A and B), which also demonstrated increased phosphorylation of Akt/PKB and Stat5a and the nuclear translocation of c-MYC and Stat5a. Also, all three signaling pathways induced all three of the d-cyclins; Stat5a also induced cdk4 (Fig. 2A and B). Cdk6 was unaffected. In addition to changes at the protein level, Akt/PKB, c-MYC, and Stat5a variably increased mRNA expression of cyclin D3, with nonsignificant increases in cyclins D1 and D2 (Fig. 2C). Cdk4 mRNA expression was also increased by Stat5a. Collectively, these studies reveal that d-cyclins and cdk4 can be induced in human islets by the activation of upstream signaling pathways.
In quiescent human β-cells, d-cyclins and cdks are largely cytoplasmic but can be induced to traffic to the nucleus by d-cyclin and cdk overexpression (9,11,12). We used immunocytochemistry to assess whether activation of upstream signaling pathways might also induce their cytoplasmic nuclear trafficking and to determine whether the increases in d-cyclins and cdks observed on immunoblots (Fig. 2A and B) occur within β-cells. Most d-cyclins and cdk4/6 appeared at low levels in the cytoplasmic compartment of β-cells under control (Ad.GFP) conditions (Fig. 2D). By contrast, adenoviral expression of Akt/PKB, c-MYC, and Stat5a led to obvious increases in the abundance of all three d-cyclins and cdk4/6 in β-cells. Further, all three d-cyclins were now observed in the nuclear compartment. These observations indicate that it is not necessary to artificially overexpress d-cyclins to observe their nuclear translocation in human β-cells; they also illustrate that the nuclear trafficking of d-cyclins in human β-cells can be influenced by upstream signaling.
Comparison of Effects of Akt/PBK, c-MYC, and Stat5a Induction on Human β-Cell Proliferation
Adenoviral expression of Akt/PKB and c-MYC have been reported to activate cell cycle entry in human β-cells (41,42), but Stat5a has not been assessed. While we observed that all three agents induce BrdU incorporation in human β-cells (Fig. 2E and F), Stat5a yielded the largest increase. Because of the particularly robust BrdU labeling index induced by Stat5a, and because STAT5 proliferation in human β-cells has not previously been studied, we focused on the PRL-PRLR-JAK2-STAT5 pathway for the remainder of the study.
Effects of Prolactin on Human β-Cell Proliferation
Recombinant hPRL induced MCF7 and T47D human breast cancer cells and rat β-cells to enter the cell cycle within 3 days but had no mitogenic effect on human β-cells at 3 days (Supplementary Fig. 2). The mitogenic effect in rat islets was enhanced further by 6 days, but again, no proliferation was observed in human β-cells at 6 days, although BrdU incorporation was readily observed in the same islet preparations with Ad.Stat5a (Fig. 3A–C). Since the same hPRL preparation was able to drive rat β-cell proliferation (Fig. 3B and C; Supplementary Fig. 2), the failure of human β-cells to replicate cannot be ascribed to biologic inactivity of the hPRL preparation used. This confirms previous reports that hPRL can drive rodent (21–37), but not human (5,8), β-cell proliferation.
Components of the hPRLR-JAK2-STAT5 Signaling Pathway in Human Islets
We used quantitative PCR (qPCR) to further explore the hPRLR-JAK2-STAT5 pathway, comparing human islets with multiple controls: two human breast cancer cell lines (MCF7 and T47D), primary human mammary epithelia, and three additional human cell lines (HCT116, HepG2, and HEK293 cells). In contrast to the other cell types, the human islets contained abundant quantities of the β-cell-enriched mRNA ICA-512 (also known as IA-2 and PTPRN), confirming the quality of the mRNA (Fig. 3D). By contrast, human islets contained essentially undetectable quantities of hPRLR mRNA, although hPRLR mRNA was abundant in both human breast cancer cell lines, normal mammary epithelium, and HEK293 cells. JAK2 and STAT5A/B mRNA were present in human islets in amounts comparable to or exceeding the other cell types, exceeded only by normal mammary epithelium. Human growth hormone receptor (GHR) mRNA also was present. Exploration of potential inhibitory pathways revealed no striking differences between human islets and most other tissues, although SOCS1, SOCS3, and SOCS5 seemed to be increased in human islets as compared with the other cell types (Supplementary Fig. 3).
Confirmation That Most Human β-Cells Contain Little or No hPRLR
Immunocytochemistry confirmed that the large majority of dispersed human β-cells lack the hPRLR (Fig. 3E, Supplementary Fig. 4A), whereas control MCF7 cells contain easily detectable hPRLR. The specificity of the immunolabeling was confirmed by coincubation with an hPRLR-blocking peptide. Immunohistochemistry of normal adult islets in intact pancreas surgical specimens using two different antisera (Supplementary Table 2) and appropriate positive and negative controls also confirmed the absence of hPRLR in adult human β-cells (Fig. 3F). By contrast, JAK2 and STAT5A were readily detectable in human β-cells (Fig. 3E), corroborating the qPCR data in Fig. 3D. Closer inspection of Fig. 3E reveals that some islet cells do express hPRLR, but most are not β-cells. Co-labeling experiments with hPRLR and glucagon, insulin, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), or somatostatin revealed that hPRLR can be found in α-cells and PP cells, but not δ-cells (Supplementary Fig. 4A). This pattern was also confirmed in intact human pancreatic sections, which revealed co-labeling of α-cells and PP cells with hPRLR (Supplementary Fig. 4B). In contrast to the lack of hPRLR on most human β-cells, immunofluorescent labeling of human GHR (hGHR) on β-cells using anti-hGHR antiserum AL47 (Supplementary Table 2) was readily detectable, both in dispersed islets and in situ in the intact pancreas (Supplementary Fig. 5), as well as in T47D breast cancer cells—observations that are consistent with qPCR analysis (Fig. 3D). hGHR was also visible on some non-β islet cells (Supplementary Fig. 5).
Adenoviral Reconstitution With hPRLR Restores JAK2-STAT5 Responsiveness to PRL
Transduction of human islets with a CMV-driven adenovirus expressing native hPRLR resulted in strong expression of the hPRLR, as assessed by immunoblot, with identical size and at levels exceeding those of the native hPRLR in T47D cells (Fig. 4A). Further, strong cell surface expression was observed in β-cells (Fig. 4B). Treatment of hPRLR-transduced human islets with PRL induced phosphorylation of both JAK2 as well as STAT5; induction of phospho-JAK2 was comparable to that observed in PRL-treated T47D cells, and induction of phospho-STAT5 (p-STAT5) exceeded that observed in T47D cells (Fig. 4C). A time-course study of human islets with Ad.hPRLR + PRL revealed rapid (<5 min) induction of JAK2 phosphorylation, followed by immediate and sustained increases in STAT5 phosphorylation, results not observed in control human islets (Fig. 4D). PRL treatment of hPRLR-expressing human β-cells also led to translocation of 694Y-p-STAT5 into the nuclear compartment (Fig. 4E), as well as a brisk increase in STAT5A mRNA expression; STAT5B was not affected (Supplementary Fig. 6A). Thus, adenoviral transduction led to expression of a functional hPRLR of appropriate size on the β-cell surface; this hPRLR had no apparent basal activity but was capable of activating downstream JAK2-STAT5 signaling, including nuclear translocation of 694Y-p-STAT5, all with efficacy comparable to or greater than the native receptor in T47D cells.
Rescuing Functional hPRLR on β-Cells Fails to Restore Mitogenic Responses to PRL
Surprisingly, reconstitution of the functional hPRLR on human β-cells followed by PRL treatment failed to permit cell cycle entry, as assessed using either BrdU or Ki-67 (Fig. 4F and G). By contrast, Ad.Stat5 treatment induced robust induction of both BrdU and Ki-67 (Figs. 2F and 4F and G). Dose–response studies revealed that treatment with Ad.Stat5 generated substantially higher levels of Stat5 and p-Stat5 in human islets than did the Ad.hPRLR + PRL combination (Fig. 5A and B); in addition, Ad.Stat5 also generated more intense and more frequent nuclear appearance of p-Stat5 (Fig. 5C). Further, at low Ad.Stat5 MOI (e.g., 3–15 MOI), which yielded degrees of p-Stat5 expression in human islets comparable to those obtained with Ad.hPRLR + PRL (Fig. 5A and B), no β-cell proliferation was observed in response to either Ad.Stat5 or Ad.hPRLR + PRL (Fig. 5D and E). These findings suggest that replacement of functional hPRLR on human β-cells rescues their ability to signal via the JAK2-STAT5 pathway in response to PRL, but fails to rescue their ability to replicate in response to PRL. By contrast, Ad.Stat5 overexpression leads to appropriate downstream Stat5 phosphorylation and nuclear translocation, as well as proliferation in human β-cells.
Effects of PRL + Ad.hPRLR on Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling, Protein Inhibitors of Activated STATS, and Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitors
We hypothesized that the failure of Ad.PRLR in combination with PRL treatment may reflect induction of inhibitory suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCSs), protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIASs), or cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKIs) in human islets. To explore these possibilities, we examined expression of all of the SOCS, PIAS, and CDKI family members in response to Ad.PRLR alone or in combination with hPRL (Fig. 6A and B, Supplementary Fig. 6B). Of these 20 potential inhibitors, only 2 were induced: the SOCS family member cytokine-inducible SH2-containing protein (CISH), and the CDKI family member CDKN2C, encoding p18INK4C.
Human STAT5A Overexpression Fails to Activate D-Cyclins, Cdk4, or Proliferation in Human β-Cells
In studies to this point, we had adenovirally delivered murine Stat5a. We next explored the effects of human STAT5A expression on human β-cell proliferation. Surprisingly, while human Ad.STAT5A was overexpressed in human islets and β-cells at levels comparable to those of mouse Ad.Stat5a, and although STAT5A was phosphorylated comparably (Fig. 7A and B), STAT5A overexpression failed to induce increments in any of the three d-cyclins or cdk4, and it failed to activate proliferation as assessed by either Ki-67 or BrdU labeling (Fig. 7C and D). By contrast, Ad.Stat5a expressed at comparable levels induced all of these events.
These studies describe at least nine novel and unexpected observations relevant to the failure of human β-cell proliferation during gestation. First, they provide a detailed analysis of the lactogen-hPRLR-JAK2/STAT5-d-cyclin/cdk pathway to proliferation in the human β-cell. Second, they reveal that there are few or no hPRLRs on most adult human β-cells, but the remaining downstream components of the canonical JAK2-STAT5 signaling cascade are present. Third, they show that the hPRLR is present on α-cells and PP cells. Fourth, they demonstrate that although replacement or restoration of functional hPRLR on human β-cells restores the ability of PRL to signal, it is insufficient for induction of proliferation. Fifth, they provide insight into the failure of human β-cells to robustly express the mitogenic cyclin D2 protein. Sixth, despite the failure of the reconstituted hPRLR signaling cascade to initiate cell cycle progression, they document that induction of murine Stat5 signaling at higher levels can restore human β-cell proliferation. Seventh, they reveal that human STAT5A is a poor substitute for its murine equivalent. These observations may help to explain the failure of human β-cell proliferation during pregnancy (8). Eighth, and perhaps most important, they identify Stat5a as a potential potent and tractable target for induction of human β-cell proliferation. Finally, as with our previous report linking the loss of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α (PDGFRα) in adult β-cells (43), they may provide evidence for a multifactorial programmatic change in adult human β-cells, which conspires to prevent replication.
Cyclin D2 is essential to normal β-cell expansion and function in rodent islets (13–15). By contrast, cyclin D1 and D3 are dispensable in rodent islets (14,15). In human islets, mRNA encoding cyclin D2 is present in amounts comparable to those in human tumor cell lines (Supplementary Fig. 1B). Most authors, however, have detected little or no cyclin D2 protein in human β-cells (16–19). Under basal conditions we also found little or no cyclin D2 protein in human islets (16–19) but did find readily detectable cyclin D2 mRNA. This relative lack of cyclin D2 protein may reflect slightly greater instability compared with cyclins D1 and D3, since its T1/2 may be slightly briefer and/or may have resulted from particularly inefficient translation of cyclin D2 mRNA in the human β-cell. Whatever the cause, we observed that the low basal abundance of cyclin D2 is readily overridden by activation of at least three different upstream signaling pathways, including c-MYC, Stat5a, and Akt/PKB signaling. The three pathways also drive upregulation of cyclins D1 and D3 as well as cdk4, and in several cases they also lead to increases in their nuclear abundance. This latter point is of some interest because in previous studies of nuclear translocation of cyclins and cdks in β-cells, this was observed only in settings of their overexpression. The current findings suggest that nuclear translocation of cyclins and cdks does not require forced overexpression, but instead can be driven by upstream signaling events. With regard to the fundamental importance of cyclin D2 in human β-cell proliferation, one might interpret its low abundance/absence to mean that it is irrelevant in human β-cells or, alternately, that cyclin D2 is essential for human β-cell proliferation, an interpretation supported by the findings that cyclin D2 can be induced in human β-cells in association with activation of mitogenic signaling, and that cyclin D2 overexpression can induce human β-cells to enter the cell cycle (16).
Among the c-MYC, Akt/PKB, and Stat5 pathways, Stat5 generated the most robust β-cell proliferation. Attention was, therefore, focused on PRL-PRLR-JAK2/STAT5 signaling. It is noteworthy that Akt/PKB and Stat5a/STAT5A are phosphorylated on 473S, 308T(AKT), and 694Y(STAT5) when expressed in human islets (Figs. 1 and 7). Which kinases may be responsible is uncertain, but several candidates are present in β-cells, including JAK2 and PI3K pathway kinases.
Notably, we confirmed previous reports suggesting that, in contrast to rodent β-cells (21–37), PRL fails to activate proliferation in human β-cells (5,8). This does not seem to result from a lack of downstream mediators of lactogenic signaling because STAT5A/B mRNA and protein are present in apparently normal amounts and because forced Stat5a expression can lead to induction of cyclins/cdks and proliferation. By contrast, the large majority of human β-cells seem to lack meaningful expression of hPRLR. While this may be a surprise based on the many examples of PRLR expression in rodent β-cells (21–37), Benner et al. (44) reported that while PRLR mRNA is abundant in rodent islets, it is far less abundant in human islets. More important, available human RNA sequencing data from FACS-purified human β-cells reported by Nica et al. (45) and Blodgett et al. (46) support the conclusion that human β-cells lack hPRLR expression. Moreover, the observation that hPRLR is readily detectable in dispersed and intact islets in α- and PP cells, but not β-cells, supports the concept that the absence of hPRLR on β-cells is a feature of native adult β-cells in situ, and not an artifact of islet isolation, dispersion, or FACS purification.
Replacement of functional hPRLR on β-cells rescued several key aspects of the PRLR signaling cascade. For example, in the presence of reconstituted hPRLR, treatment with PRL leads to rapid JAK2 phosphorylation followed by rapid and sustained 694Y-STAT5 phosphorylation, accompanied by nuclear 694Y-STAT5 translocation in β-cells. We interpret these observations to mean that the paucity of functional PRLRs on human β-cells plausibly contributes to their failure to proliferate during human pregnancy. We must qualify this conjecture because it remains possible that PRLR expression is returned to human β-cells during pregnancy; this question has not been addressed here nor elsewhere. Similarly, our data do not address the possibility that hPRLR may be present on human β-cells during development and childhood but is lost during adulthood.
Surprisingly, replacement of hPRLR did not rescue the mitogenic response to PRL, for reasons hypothesized in Fig. 8. For example, it may be that additional signaling pathways must be recruited to the PRLR-JAK2-STAT5 system in β-cells since, in some cell types, JAK2-STAT5 signaling can be coupled to PI3K, MAPK, and other signaling pathways (38). This seems unlikely since forced expression of Stat5 alone is able to activate proliferation. It is also possible that mStat5a, but not endogenous human STAT5A, is able to engage menin or serotoninergic signaling, and that this is required for mitogenic signaling. This possibility may be strengthened by the human STAT5A findings discussed below. Alternatively, it may be that the proliferation induced by forced mStat5 expression reflects a greater abundance of Stat5 and p-Stat5 than that achieved with PRL treatment in the presence of hPRLR. While this seems possible, it also seems unlikely to be the only explanation since T47D breast cancer cells proliferate in response to PRL (Supplementary Fig. 2), despite lower phospho-JAK2, and STAT5 and pSTAT5, abundance comparable to human islets with PRL + Ad.hPRLR (Fig. 4A–C), and since marked overexpression of STAT5A fails to engage the cell cycle (Fig. 7). It is also possible that that “normal” basal levels of SOCS family members such as CISH (Fig. 6A) might rapidly increase in response to PRL-hPRLR-JAK2-STAT5 activation, or that abrupt increases in key cell cycle inhibitors, such as p18INK4C (Fig. 6B), might constrain proliferation. While little is known regarding CISH in human islets, it seems to be nonessential for murine β-cell development and function (47). The only CDKI member induced was CDKN2C, encoding p18INK4C; inactivating mutations in CDKN2C have been postulated to underlie some cases of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1a (48). Thus, further studies of human islets on CISH and CDKN2C/p18INK4C are warranted. Finally, we believe that it is possible that adult human β-cells downregulate a broad repertoire of intracellular targets essential for proliferation, including not only the hPRLR, as shown here, but also the PDGFRα described previously (43), perhaps via broad epigenetic silencing of key chromatin regions not investigated here (9). Clarifying these questions will require additional study.
It is surprising that human STAT5A and mouse Stat5a differ so remarkably in their relative abilities to induce human β-cells to replicate, given the 96% homology between these two peptides. Examination of Supplementary Fig. 7 provides no obvious clues as to why this might occur. Future studies with adenoviral STAT5A/Stat5a chimeric variants may shed light on this issue.
Finally, while the hPRLR is absent on most human β- or δ-cells, it is present to some degree on α-cells, PP cells, and potentially other islet cells. This may explain the observations from several laboratories that low levels of hPRLR mRNA are present in whole human islets. The meaning of these intriguing results is uncertain but may suggest novel paracrine signaling pathways within the islet, another attractive target for future investigation. For example, the existence of hPRLRs on non-β-cells may explain the protective effects of lactogens on human islets against lipotoxic insults (28). Alternatively, it is also possible that putative lactogenic hormone effects on human β-cells may be mediated via other cytokine family receptors present on β-cells. It also remains possible that a small subpopulation of human β-cells exists, as described by Schraenen et al. (29), some of which may express PRLRs. Exploring these possibilities also will require additional studies. Of course, species specificity is important here, since, for example, while human growth hormone is an agonist for the hGHR, it is a poor agonist for the murine GHR (49).
In summary, adult human β-cells contain few or no functional hPRLRs, in part explaining the failure of human β-cells to proliferate in vitro or in vivo in response to lactogenic hormones. Additional poorly defined barriers to proliferation must also exist, however, since reconstitution of functional hPRLR and overexpressing STAT5A in human β-cells fail to permit proliferation in response to lactogenic hormones. Perhaps most important in therapeutic terms is that murine Stat5a may be a potentially tractable target for human β-cell proliferation. Approaches might include the development of small-molecule mimics of Stat5 signaling or otherwise leveraging the unique features of mouse Stat5a versus human STAT5A. Of course, such a strategy would need to contend with the current lack of effective tools to target small molecules to β-cells and would need to clarify the biology underlying the discrepant β-cell responses to Stat5a versus STAT5A.
Article Information
Acknowledgments. The authors thank Drs. Rupangi C. Vasavada, Adolfo Garcia-Ocaña, and Donald K. Scott (all at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY), Dr. Alvin Powers (Division of Endocrinology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN), and Dr. Seung Kim (Department of Developmental Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA) for invaluable and continuous insight. The authors thank the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Integrated Islet Distribution Program, Dr. Tatsuya Kin (Alberta Diabetes Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), and Dr. Pyotr Witkowski (Department of Surgery, University of Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago, IL) for providing human islets.
Funding. This work was supported by JDRF grant 1-2011-603; National Institutes of Health grants R-01 DK55023, R-01 DK58259, R-01 DK 46395, U-01 DK089538, and UC4 DK104211; and a James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital Merit Review (to S.J.F.).
Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.
Author Contributions. H.C., J.W.K., K.K.T., F.S., N.F.-T., K.P., H.L., P.W., and A.S.B. performed experiments. R.P., J.J., Y.Z., and S.J.F. contributed reagents, designed the study, and interpreted data. H.C. and A.F.S. wrote the manuscript. H.C. and A.F.S. are the guarantors of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
Prior Presentation. Parts of this study were presented in abstract form at the 74th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA, 13–17 June 2014.