In the above-mentioned article, the following errors were detected:

  • In Fig. 2C displaying AKT and phosphorylated AKT (pAKT) expression in epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT) and liver, the AKT immunoblotting was not the corresponding blot to the pAKT. The authors are replacing this figure with the corresponding total AKT in the liver and providing a blot repeat of the eWAT, where all antibodies were probed on the same membrane. The authors recalculated this blot accordingly with similar findings to that previously published.

  • In Fig. 6E, AKT and pAKT were not shown on the same gel. The authors repeated this Western blot and detected AKT and pAKT on the same immunoblot. The recalculated data are now shown in a revised Fig. 6E.

  • In online Supplementary Fig. 4F, the authors now present the respective loading control, using Actin expression analysis together with that for AKT and pAKT.

The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused to the readers. The online version has been updated to correct these errors.

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