SH and DKA are common serious acute complications of type 1 diabetes (T1D), but whether rates have changed with recent improvements in diabetes management is not clear. We, thus examined data from the Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications (EDC) study of childhood onset T1D (mean age 28 and duration 19 years, n=658) to determine if the hospitalized rates of SH and DKA have changed over 25 years of follow-up. Participants reported hospitalizations at each biennial survey for the prior 5 years (1986-1988, 2012-2014) or prior 3 years (1996-1998, 2004-2006). Rates per 100 person years for SH and DKA were then calculated by dividing the total number of self-reported SH or DKA admissions by the total appropriate accumulated person years of reporting at each follow-up. Hospitalization rates for SH declined after 1996-1998 with a fall in HbA1c suggesting better overall management. The DKA hospitalization rate was consistent throughout the follow-up. The factors underlying these encouraging trends require further investigation and survival bias cannot be excluded.


G. Pambianco: None. T.J. Orchard: None.

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