The National Diabetes Inpatient Audit is a yearly audit aimed at providing a snapshot view on various aspects of diabetes care across hospitals in England. Results are provided for each hospital and are shown in comparison to other hospitals. Since 2011, our 450-bedded hospital has been in the first quartile with regards to medication errors, prescription errors, medicine management errors and insulin errors. In the 2016 audit, we had 11.6% medication errors whereas across England, there were 44.6% medication errors. Our service is exemplary on many fronts. Foundation year doctors get formal training in diabetes care. Information Technology is key in providing the fail-proof electronic prescribing software, access to General Practitioner’s Health records, safe insulin prescribing e-module, and up-to-date online clinical guidelines. We have Pharmacists and Pharmacist Technicians who check electronic prescriptions on a daily basis. We also benefit from the service of a Diabetes Specialist Pharmacist. We provide a twice-weekly specialist diabetes ward round across the whole hospital and patients are usually identified from the Electronic Patients Record software. The Diabetes Specialist Nurses are additionally available for one-to-one education Monday to Friday 0900 to 1700. Finally, we run a comprehensive diabetes education day for nurses and other allied health care professionals twice a year.


M. Parsad: None. K.D. Lambert: None. D. Ardern: None. A.C. Mezzullo: None.

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