BEYOND II was a multicenter, single-arm, observational study in which physicians received education based on T2DM treatment guidelines and effective patient education, reinforced by self-audit and peer-to-peer review over a 6-month period. The primary outcome measure was the proportion of study centers meeting individual improvement goals set by the Study Committee, based on HbA1c <7.0%. Two cohorts of ∼100 patients (baseline and post-education) with T2DM who had received basal-insulin (BI)-based treatment for ≥3 months were enrolled at each center. Of 71 centers that completed the study, 35 (49.3%) achieved improvement targets. Patients in the post-education cohort had improved glycemic control vs. the baseline cohort (Table). At centers meeting improvement targets, a higher proportion of physicians (n=356) self-rated as ’confident in most cases’ about insulin initiation (89.9% vs. 78.9%), titration (87.4% vs. 80.9%), and hypoglycemia management (89.0% vs. 80.6%) post education vs. baseline, but there was no change at centers not meeting improvement targets. In a multivariate regression, completion of education (yes vs. no) had the strongest positive association with achievement of HbA1c <7% (OR=1.55, p<0.001). Physician-targeted education was effective at around 50% of study centers for improving glycemic control in patients with T2DM receiving BI-based treatment.


Variable Baseline cohort (N=6386) Post-education cohort (N=6353) P-value 
Proportion of centers meeting individual improvement targets, n/n (%; 95% CI) -- 35/71 (49.3%; 37.2 to 61.4%) -- 
Mean HbA1c, % (SD) 8.10 (1.732) 7.72 (1.579) <0.001 
Mean FPG, mmol/L (SD) 9.10 (3.580) 8.44 (3.172) <0.001 
HbA1c <7%, % (n/N) 27.2 (1740/6386) 36.5 (2322/6353) <0.001 
FPG <6.1 mmol/L, % (n/N) 15.6 (994/6386) 19.6 (1247/6353) <0.001 
Hypoglycemia (blood glucose ≤3.9 mmol/L or symptomatic hypoglycemia without confirmation), % (n/N) 4.4 (282/6386) 3.8 (241/6353) 0.077 
Variable Baseline cohort (N=6386) Post-education cohort (N=6353) P-value 
Proportion of centers meeting individual improvement targets, n/n (%; 95% CI) -- 35/71 (49.3%; 37.2 to 61.4%) -- 
Mean HbA1c, % (SD) 8.10 (1.732) 7.72 (1.579) <0.001 
Mean FPG, mmol/L (SD) 9.10 (3.580) 8.44 (3.172) <0.001 
HbA1c <7%, % (n/N) 27.2 (1740/6386) 36.5 (2322/6353) <0.001 
FPG <6.1 mmol/L, % (n/N) 15.6 (994/6386) 19.6 (1247/6353) <0.001 
Hypoglycemia (blood glucose ≤3.9 mmol/L or symptomatic hypoglycemia without confirmation), % (n/N) 4.4 (282/6386) 3.8 (241/6353) 0.077 


J. Weng: None. J. Zhao: None. Z. Zhou: None. X. Guo: None. X. Zheng: None. S. Luo: None.

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