The liver is the preferred site for islet transplantation (ITx) but not ideal due to limitations affecting engraftment.

We evaluated the safety and efficacy of ITx in the omentum using a resorbable biological scaffold in 3 subjects with type 1 diabetes and negative C-peptide. Islets were combined with autologous plasma and thrombin to generate a biologic scaffold and layered laparoscopically on the omentum. Induction was with anti-thymocyte globulin and etanercept. Maintenance was with mycophenolate sodium and tacrolimus. Demographics, islet dose and metabolic data are shown in the Table.

Subject # Age (years) Duration T1DM (years) BMI (Kg/m2IEQ/Kg MMTT Stimulated Glucose (mg/dl)/C-peptide (ng/ml) Insulin dose U/Kg/day (Units/day) HbA1c% 
     6 months 12 months 24 months Pre-ITx Latest Pre-ITx Latest 
43 26 21.5 11,386 181/3.32 277/1.79 317/0.49 0.62 (33) 0.14 (7) 6.8 5.3 
32 16 25.3 9,635 372/0.88 374/0.65 332/0.52* 0.45 (31) 0.45 (30) 5.7 5.6 
46 42 24 12,648 277/2.47 0.45 (20) 0.2 (11) 6.3 6.3 
* 18 months Post-ITx IEQ= islet equivalents MMTT = mixed meal tolerance test      
Subject # Age (years) Duration T1DM (years) BMI (Kg/m2IEQ/Kg MMTT Stimulated Glucose (mg/dl)/C-peptide (ng/ml) Insulin dose U/Kg/day (Units/day) HbA1c% 
     6 months 12 months 24 months Pre-ITx Latest Pre-ITx Latest 
43 26 21.5 11,386 181/3.32 277/1.79 317/0.49 0.62 (33) 0.14 (7) 6.8 5.3 
32 16 25.3 9,635 372/0.88 374/0.65 332/0.52* 0.45 (31) 0.45 (30) 5.7 5.6 
46 42 24 12,648 277/2.47 0.45 (20) 0.2 (11) 6.3 6.3 
* 18 months Post-ITx IEQ= islet equivalents MMTT = mixed meal tolerance test      

Subject 1 was insulin independent for 15 months and maintains stable glycemic control. Subject 2 had marginal graft function with persistence of severe hypoglycemia (SH) and then underwent intrahepatic ITx resulting in insulin independence. Subject 3 had a 55% reduction in insulin dose and maintains excellent glycemic control.

Our initial experience demonstrates feasibility and safety of ITx on the omentum. Graft function persisted throughout follow-up (6-24 months) resulting in improved glycemic control and absence of SH (subjects 1 and 3).

Results suggest a significant loss of islets early post-ITx followed by gradual functional decline similar to intrahepatic ITx. Strategies to improve oxygen delivery and neo-vascularization and minimize immunosuppression are needed to improve long-term outcomes at this site.


D. Baidal: None. C. Ricordi: None. D.M. Berman: Stock/Shareholder; Self; Pfizer Inc. A. Pileggi: Stock/Shareholder; Self; Converge Biotech, Inc.. Stock/Shareholder; Spouse/Partner; Converge Biotech, Inc. A.M. Alvarez Gil: None. N. Padilla: None. G. Ciancio: None. E. Linetsky: None. R. Alejandro: None.

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