Purpose/Aim: Primary aim of this study was to evaluate outcomes of glucose and insulin responses to meals and snacks using a randomized crossover design of isocaloric diets comparing increased protein (30% protein, 35% carbohydrate, 35% fat) with a decreased protein (15% protein, 50% carbohydrate, 35% fat) diet.

Methods: Women diagnosed with GDMA1 between 28-35 weeks gestation were randomly allocated to receive one of 2 initial dietary treatments for an overnight admission to inpatient research unit where all meals and snacks were provided. After a 3-7 day washout period, participants were readmitted and received the opposite treatment. A continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) was inserted on admission and correlated with blood glucose/hormonal data.

Results: Preliminary results (n=6) with mixed model analysis revealed that the p-value for total glucose AUC shows no statistically significant difference between the two treatments (Table 1). However, at 60” after breakfast on day 2, mean BG was 136 mg/dl on lower protein diet (Tx B) and 117 mg/dl on higher protein diet (TxA, p<0.05).

Discussion: These preliminary results suggest that overall carbohydrate restrictions may be relaxed, as total glucose AUC was not significantly different between the 2 treatment groups. However, further analysis may reveal that increased protein and decreased carbohydrate at specific meals (e.g., breakfast) may prove beneficial in meeting blood glucose targets.

Table 1

Tx Variable Mean Std Dev Median Min Max 
Total Glu AUC 3062.98 418.62 3023.81 2562.04 3647.79 
Total Gl;u AUC 2824.39 579.31 2659.94 2319.71 3830.79 
Tx Variable Mean Std Dev Median Min Max 
Total Glu AUC 3062.98 418.62 3023.81 2562.04 3647.79 
Total Gl;u AUC 2824.39 579.31 2659.94 2319.71 3830.79 


K.K. Trout: None.

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