The epidemiology of Bile duct and gallbladder disease (BDGD) in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) is not well characterized. Records of patients enrolled in U.S. Truven Health MarketScan database between 2015-2016 were analyzed to estimate the incidence and prevalence rates of BDGD among patients with DM. Rates were stratified by age, gender, and DM type (T1D and T2D), and compared to general population. Diagnosis and procedure codes for cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and other biliary disorders (excluding neoplasms, congenital, and pregnancy disorders) were used to define BDGD.

During the analysis year, >4 million patients with DM were identified, of which only 78,067 were documented as T1D and 1,747,161 as T2D. In general, incidence and prevalence rates of BDGD increased with age and female gender in all populations; however, males with T2D had higher incidence rates (Table). Compared to general population, incidence (per 1,000 person-years) and prevalence rates of BDGD were 3-times higher in patients with DM (incidence, 82.7 v 27.4; prevalence, 10.3% v 3.4%), with T2D having 4-times the incidence and 3-times the prevalence of that in T1D (incidence, 186.8 vs. 44.2; prevalence, 13% vs. 4.4%).

Patients with DM, particularly T2D, are at high risk for BDGD, and clinicians should consider these disorders as potential comorbidities during DM management.


A.K. Ali: Employee; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. O.R. Adetunji: None.

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