WD induces the development of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). In addition to the direct effects on gut dysbiosis, we have shown that WD also affect intestinal barrier function leading to increased release of LPS into circulation resulting in chronic inflammation that underlies the development of T2DM; oral supplementation with curcumin attenuate these WD-induced effects. Herein we examined the effects of GOS supplementation on WD induced changes. C57BL/6 mice were either fed a standard chow or WD or WD+GOS or WD+Curcumin (WD+C) for 16 weeks. Glucose tolerance tests were performed and while no significant differences were seen in female mice (Panels A and C), WD-induced glucose intolerance was significantly attenuated by GOS or curcumin supplementation in male mice (Panels B and D). Although plasma LPS levels were not significantly affected, a significant decrease in circulating macrophages (Panel E) as well as neutrophils (Panel F) was noted with GOS or Curcumin supplementation indicating a reduction in systemic inflammation. Gene expression and histological changes in the ileum and colon indicate GOS or curcumin-mediated increase in mucin production and maintenance of mucous layer integrity. Dietary supplementation with GOS or Curcumin, therefore, represents a simple strategy to ameliorate the metabolic/diabetogenic effects of WD.


H. He: None. S.S. Ghosh: None. P.J. Yannie: None. J. Wang: None. S. Ghosh: None.

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