Minorities are disproportionately affected by obesity. Intensive lifestyle interventions (ILI) have been shown to result in a moderate amount of clinically significant weight loss (5% BW), less so in minorities. Few ILI are culturally adapted for minorities. A collaborative multidisciplinary team implemented a culturally-tailored ILI using current guidelines in a predominantly AA obese population in a primary care setting. Program consisted of individual and group sessions led by MD, RD, PT, and psychologist meeting for 6 months. After the initial ILI, a 6 month maintenance period of monthly meetings with an intensification every 3rd month of 3 visits/month aimed to prevent weight regain. Program goals were to attain a 5% weight loss in 6 months and prevent weight regain after the intensive phase. 40 English-speaking patients enrolled: median age 52.0 years (41.5, 60.0), 77.5% female, 72% AA, 15% Hispanic with median weight 279.9 lbs (236.0, 324.1) and median BMI 44.7 kg/m2 (37.7, 50.1). 60% completed the program with 25% of those achieving at least 5% weightt loss in 6 months. Results correlated with attendance (Figure). Of the 25% attaining the initial 5% weight loss, 60% showed continued weight loss in maintenance, notably after intensification periods. In this study, attendance and maintenance intensification appeared to be key to continued loss success.
C. Poku: None. B. Tahsin: None. L. Fogelfeld: None.
© 2018 by the American Diabetes Association.
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