To assess the potential of mindfulness practices to improve glycemic control in a diverse population of young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D), we examined the cross-sectional association of hemoglobin (Hb)A1c levels with dispositional mindfulness and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In 2017 we conducted an online survey of all 19-31 year olds (y/o) with T1D receiving care at Columbia’s Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center. Responses were received from 423 of 752 (56%) patients and linked to medical record HbA1c. After adjusting for sociodemographic factors, HbA1c levels were compared between those with high and low mindfulness (median split) and those with (62%) and without ACEs (38%). The sample was 59% female and 69% non-Hispanic white, with a mean (SD) HbA1c of 8.0% (1.7). The relationship between HbA1c and mindfulness was moderated by age and ACEs. Among 27-31 y/o, those with high mindfulness had 0.7% lower HbA1c (95% CI:-1.2%, -0.2%) and this relationship was stronger in those with ACEs. The relationship between HbA1c and ACEs was also moderated by age. Among 23-26 y/o, those with ACEs had 0.4% higher HbA1c (-0.1%, 0.9%). Among 19-22 y/o, HbA1c levels were 0.5% higher in those with high mindfulness (-0.2%, 1.2%) and 0.8% lower in those with ACEs (-1.53%, -0.04%). The potential impacts of mindfulness practices for young adults with T1D may differ by age and history of ACEs.


K. Nagel: None. T. Dearth-Wesley: None. A.N. Herman: None. H.G. Smith: None. R. Gandica: None. L. Golden: None. H.F. Weil: None. R.C. Whitaker: None.

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