Objective: To investigate oral health status in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis (HD) and to examine the characteristics of diabetic patients receiving HD.

Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted in a total of 249 outpatients receiving HD using the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology’s Self-administered Questionnaire on Periodontal Disease to compare oral/nutritional health status between diabetic and nondiabetic patients.

Results: Of the patients surveyed, diabetic and nondiabetic patients totaled 83 and 166 (mean age, 64.3 ± 21.7 years and 73.9 ± 33.3 years), respectively. While there was no significant difference in the prevalence of periodontal disease between the diabetic and nondiabetic patients (26.5% and 34.9%), the diabetic patients had a significantly fewer number of intact teeth than the nondiabetic patients (14.9 ± 11.5 vs. 21.7 ± 12.9) as well as a lower geriatric nutritional risk index than the nondiabetic patients (85.7 ± 20.9 vs. 93.9 ± 27.4).

Conclusions: While there was no difference in the prevalence of periodontal disease between the diabetic and nondiabetic patients among those receiving HD, the diabetic patients were associated with a fewer number of intact teeth as well as poorer nutritional status. Further study is required to investigate whether these may represent causes or consequences of diabetes and/or nutritional status.

S. Funakoshi: None. Y. Ohata: None. K. Fujimori: None. R. Etoh: None. K. Sawase: None. J. Hashiguchi: None. Y. Mori: None. K. Utsunomiya: None. T. Harada: None. M. Hayashida: None. M. Kawano: None.

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