Background and Aims: In Japan, early hospitalization for diabetes care is widely diffused, and keeps glycemic control good for the long term through intensive diabetes education in the short term. In recent years, new classes of antidiabetes medicine have been launched. Glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, especially reserved insulin secretion, becomes easier. We aimed to know whether recent early diabetes hospitalization is still work for glycemic control of type 2 diabetes patients reserved insulin secretion.
Methods: Japanese type 2 diabetes patients ware without medication, with HbA1c >8.0 in their first visit and with good insulin secretion (δCPR >2.0 in glucagon stimulation test) within 3 months. Their first visits ware from April 2012 to Oct 2017 We retrospectively compared between 36 patients with early hospitalization and 35 patients without hospitalization. In our diabetes hospitalization, patients get a diabetes education. Most patients are canceled glucose toxicity by insulin and then changed any other applicable antidiabetic medicines without insulin possible.
Results: At baseline, HbA1c of patients in early hospitalization group was higher than no hospitalization group (11.6±1.9%, 10.3±1.4%, p=0.002). δCPR was no significant difference. HbA1c of early hospitalization group was lower than no hospitalization group over 3years(1y: 6.4±0.8%, 7.4±1.1%, p<0.001, 2y: 6.5±0.8%, 7.3±0.9%, p=0.008, 3y: 6.2±0.6%, 7.5±0.8%, p<0.001). Numbers of diabetic medicine classes in early hospitalization group ware smaller than no hospitalization group after 2 years (1.8±0.8, 2.5±0.9, p=0.010). Two patient in early hospitalization group interrupted to visit our hospital, although 9 patients in no hospitalization group.
Conclusion: Diabetes hospitalization is still one of very effective therapeutic method today. Education and earlier glycemic control may contribute to keep glycemic control good over a long lifetime.
D. Ikeda: None.