An amperometric glucose sensor was introduced where glucose oxidase was immobilized on palladium electrode. This sensor based on the glucose oxidase catalyzed oxidation of glucose and electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen peroxide which was produced by enzyme reaction. Basic concept of the glucose sensor is composed of inner and outer membrane systems, immobilized glucose oxidase layer, and palladium electrode. Inner membrane prevents the access of electrochemical interfering substrates. Outer membrane works as a diffusion barrier of glucose. The glucose sensor can achieve a wide dynamic range with this outer membrane. In this research, to verify this concept especially the role of outer membrane, the glucose sensor which was made with palladium electrode, glucose oxidase layer, and outer membrane was tested on different glucose concentrations. The sensor showed a good correlation between sensor responses and glucose concentrations. In addition, the dynamic range of this sensor was enough for glucose monitoring of diabetic patients. This sensor also demonstrated stable sensor responses during several days. These results show that this sensor has a strong potential for application to continuous glucose monitoring, or CGM.
T. Han: Employee; Self; Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. S. Noda: Employee; Self; Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. K. Haneda: Employee; Self; Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. N. Shigetou: Employee; Self; Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd.