Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a known independent predictor of mortality following acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In addition, patients with DM may have other risk factors for AMI such as hypertension (HTN), tobacco use, physical inactivity. This study aimed to explore the distribution of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors among patients of AMI with and without DM. Yoga-CaRe, a multicenter randomized controlled trial, included patients of AMI (first or consequent AMI) with DM (n=856) and without DM (n=2330), aged 18-80 years from 24 cardiac centers across India. The baseline socio-demographics, clinical and behavioral characteristics of those with and without DM were analyzed using multivariable logistic/linear regression models, sequentially adjusted for age, gender, education and physical inactivity. Patients of AMI with DM were older as compared to those without DM (mean age 56.4± 9.4 vs. 51.9 ± 11.2). Patients with DM had higher odds of having hypertension, being physically inactive and had lower odds of self-reported ever tobacco use. Patients with DM had higher mean waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (Table). No differences were found in body mass index between diabetes and nondiabetes groups.The observed differential distribution of CV risk factors in AMI patients with DM calls for a tailored rehabilitation plan.

Cardiovascular risk factors among AMI patients with diabetes vs. without diabetes

Variable Diabetes (n=856) Without diabetes (n=2330) Adjusted OR/Regression coefficient* [95% CI] 
Ever tobacco use (%) 34.2% 49.2% 0.73 [0.60-0.88] 
Physical inactivity (%) 57.8% 49.2% 1.38 [1.18-1.62] 
Body Mass Index ≥25Kg/m2 (%) 57.6% 50.8% 1.13 [0.95-1.34] 
Waist circumference (cm) (mean) 99.3±20.7 92.3±17.9 4.7 [3.1-6.3]* 
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) (mean) 123.4±17.2 118.8±16.1 3.6 [2.3-4.9]* 
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) (mean) 76.7±10.7 74.9±10.3 1.9 [1.02-2.7] * 
Hypertension (%) 53.1% 18.6% 3.8 [2.9-5.1] 
Variable Diabetes (n=856) Without diabetes (n=2330) Adjusted OR/Regression coefficient* [95% CI] 
Ever tobacco use (%) 34.2% 49.2% 0.73 [0.60-0.88] 
Physical inactivity (%) 57.8% 49.2% 1.38 [1.18-1.62] 
Body Mass Index ≥25Kg/m2 (%) 57.6% 50.8% 1.13 [0.95-1.34] 
Waist circumference (cm) (mean) 99.3±20.7 92.3±17.9 4.7 [3.1-6.3]* 
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) (mean) 123.4±17.2 118.8±16.1 3.6 [2.3-4.9]* 
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) (mean) 76.7±10.7 74.9±10.3 1.9 [1.02-2.7] * 
Hypertension (%) 53.1% 18.6% 3.8 [2.9-5.1] 


D. Soni: None. C.M. Ambalam: None. V.S. Ajay: None. K. Singh: None. K. Singh: None. P.A. Praveen: None. A. Roy: None. S.C. Manchanda: None. B. Mohan: None. P.C. Negi: None. P. Bhat: None. K.S. Sadananda: None. P.M. R.: None. P. Sarma: None. S. Natarajan: None. C. Narasimhan: None. N. Desai: None. S. Patil: None. D.S. Chadha: None. S. Chandra: None. S. Kinra: None. D. Prabhakaran: None.

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