Background and Aims: In order to evaluate the nephropathy with microproteinuria in T2DM in usual clinical care and ensuing development of personalized medicine.

Materials and Methods: From Jan. 20to Dec. 2015, 14711 diabetes beneficiaries were randomly and cumulatively recruited in DCMP 2001 via outpatient clinic visit. Accordingly, the bi-annual urine and albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) examinations were routinely performed in patients enrolled. Nephropathy with microproteinuria was defined that the ACR was ≧30. From this studied cohort, there were 222 cases without taking any antidiabetes medication except lifestyle intervention as Group I whereas, 14489 cases with diabetes drugs including insulin used classified as Group II and III. Matching with age, sex, duration of diabetes and A1c levels and with 1: 4 ratio of case number, there were 60 cases with A1c (%) (Mean± SD) 6.72± 0.96 in Group I, 240 cases in Group II with A1c 7.01± 0.85 and Group III with A1c 8.19± 1.13 respectively in last 10 years. Data analysis was performed by using ANOVA and log-rank test for the occurrence of diabetes nephropathy with microproteinuria.

Results: The baseline data among these 3 well-matched Groups were shown. There were no statistically significant difference of all metabolic measures among 3 Groups except FBG, A1c and serum TG that were significantly higher in Group III. The accumulating probability of diabetes nephropathy with microproteinuria amid these 3 Groups were totally identical and no statistically significant difference identified in 10-year time interval.

Conclusions: The results clearly indicated that the risk factors rather than antidiabetes medications of diabetes nephropathy, duration of disease and even long-term glycemic control would be considered in this T2DM population cohort.


M.M.T. Fuh: None. P. Chen: None.

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