Background: Uric acid is believed be an important modulator in glucose and lipid metabolism. This study is aimed to estimate the efficacy of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) on obese patients and find out the relationship of serum uric acid (SUA) to body fat distribution in both male and female of Chinese patients.

Methods: A total of 65 obese patients (32 females and 33 males) who underwent LSG were enrolled for this study. Their body composition was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). The data of anthropometric measurements, glucolipid metabolism and SUA was collected before and 6 months after LSG separately.

Results: More significant reduction of SUA was observed in the female group than the male group after LSG (female (17.98±12.72)% vs. male(3.22±15.66)%, p<0.001). Furthermore, changes in SUA showed significantly positive correlation with visceral adipose tissue (VAT) in female patients (r=0.542,p=0.011). And it was also positively correlated with changes of the area under the curve(AUC) for glucose during 75g oral glucose tolerance test(r=0.567,p=0.002), fasting insulin(r=0.505,p=0.006) and natural logarithm of HOMA-IR (r=0.427,p=0.023). Post-surgery high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels significantly increased from 0.89±0.19 to 1.18±0.23 mmol/L (p<0.001) in males. The reduction of SUA in male patients were positively associated with changes in neck circumference(r=0.617,p=0.000)and hip circumference(r=0.381,p=0.042), and negatively correlated with changes in HDL levels (r = -0.422, P = 0.018). It was also positively correlated with changes of fat content in upper arm, legs and gynoid area (r=0.450, r=0.650, r=0.432, respectively; all p<0.05), while unrelated to visceral fat in the male group.

Conclusions: The efficacy of LSG on glycolipid metabolism may be associated with gender-related differences in body fat distribution. Uric acid may be a gendered modulator of glucose and lipid metabolism.


X. Zhang: None. F. Mei: None. J. Gao: None. X. Cheng: None. L. Bu: None. C. Zhu: None. S. Qu: None.

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