Background: Hypogonadism is highly prevalent in men with obesity as well as T2DM.

Methods: Of 805 hypogonadal men in a urological registry, 311 men (39%) had T2DM diagnosed and treated elsewhere. 141 received TU 1000 mg/12 weeks (T-group), 170 opted against treatment (CTRL). Mean changes over time between groups were compared by mixed effects model for repeated measures with random effect for intercept and fixed effects for time, group and their interaction. Changes were adjusted for age, weight, waist circumference, HbA1c, blood pressure (BP), lipids to account for baseline differences between the two groups.

Results: Mean age:T-group: 61.8±5.3, CTRL: 63.5±4.9 years. Follow-up: mean: 7.5, median: 8 years. T-group: 89.4% were obese, 9.9% overweight, and 0.7% had normal weight. Weight decreased progressively from 113.4±13.9 to 90.7±8.6 kg at 10 years (p<0.0001) with statistical significance vs. previous year for the first 9 years. CTRL: 70% were obese, 26.5% overweight, and 3.5% had normal weight. Weight remained stable. Estimated adjusted difference between groups: -25.7 kg (p<0.0001). T-group: waist circumference decreased from 112.6±10.7 to 99.6±5.2 cm (p<0.0001) with statistical significance vs. previous year for the first 9 years. CTRL: Waist circumference remained stable. Estimated adjusted difference between groups: -17.9 cm (p<0.0001). T-group: BMI decreased from 36.3±4.4 to 29.3±2.7 kg/m2 at 10 years (p<0.0001) with statistical significance vs. previous year for the first 9 years. CTRL: BMI remained stable. Estimated adjusted difference between groups: -8.3 kg/m2 (p<0.0001). Since injections were administered in the doctor’s office and no patient dropped out, there was a 100% adherence to testosterone therapy (TTh).

Conclusions: Long-term TTh with TU in hypogonadal men with T2DM improved anthropometric measures compared to untreated controls.


F. Saad: Employee; Self; Bayer AG. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Bayer AG, Novo Nordisk A/S. K.S. Haider: Other Relationship; Self; Bayer AG. A. Haider: Research Support; Self; Bayer AG.

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