Background: It is difficult to accurately determine the frequency of hypoglycemic events in a clinical setting. Remotely captured glucose data from connected meters offers an opportunity to understand real-world treatment effects outside of a clinical trial setting. The Livongo for Diabetes Program provides over 50,000 commercially-insured people with diabetes a cellular-enabled, two-way messaging device that measures and records blood glucose. Free, unlimited blood glucose test strips are also provided.

Methods: We obtained blood glucose (BG) values directly from 35,436 individuals who had been using Livongo connected meters over 3 months. Frequency of BG checking, hypoglycemia event rates (BG<70 mg/dL) and clinically significant hypoglycemia event rates (BG<54mg/dL) were characterized by age, gender, race, diabetes type, estimated HbA1c and medication use.

Results: The mean percentage of total BG checks <70mg/dL and <54mg/dL by medication use and diabetes type are reported in Table below.

Conclusions: In a heterogeneous population with type 1 and type 2 diabetes we captured many hypoglycemic episodes, the frequency of which was associated with medication use and diabetes type. The Livongo platform provides an opportunity to understand real-world treatment effects outside of a clinical trial setting.

 No meds (N=3181) Oral Meds Only (N=19,135) Insulin Once Daily (N=5,315) insulin > Once Daily - T2D (N=4,606) insulin > Once Daily - T1D (N=2834) 
 Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD 
BG<70 mg/dL 1.08% 3.95% 1.14% 4.16% 3.21% 7.34% 3.59% 6.44% 10.45% 10.80% 
BG<54 mg/dL 0.20% 1.24% 0.26% 1.85% 0.89% 2.83% 1.19% 3.92% 4.36% 5.88% 
 No meds (N=3181) Oral Meds Only (N=19,135) Insulin Once Daily (N=5,315) insulin > Once Daily - T2D (N=4,606) insulin > Once Daily - T1D (N=2834) 
 Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD 
BG<70 mg/dL 1.08% 3.95% 1.14% 4.16% 3.21% 7.34% 3.59% 6.44% 10.45% 10.80% 
BG<54 mg/dL 0.20% 1.24% 0.26% 1.85% 0.89% 2.83% 1.19% 3.92% 4.36% 5.88% 


J. Bollyky: Employee; Self; Livongo Health. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Livongo Health. W. Lu: None. J. Schneider: Employee; Self; Livongo Health. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Livongo Health.

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