Background: Recent clinical evidences indicate that early rapid renal function decline is closely associated with the development of diabetic kidney disease. We have investigated the incidence and baseline clinical predictors of rapid renal function decline in patients with type 2 diabetes and normal baseline renal function.

Methods: A total of 967 type 2 diabetic patients from the Korean National Diabetes Program (KNDP), a prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study, with serial GFR measurement for 5 years and normal renal function were included for the analysis. Rapid renal function decline was defined as an eGFR decline >3.3% per year. Carotid ultrasonography was used to assess carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and the presence of plaque.

Results: The mean age was 53.7 years with body mass index of 25.4 kg/m2. Rapid renal function decline developed in 158 participants (16.3%) and average GFR decline was -5.2 ± 1.9% /year in rapid decliners and -0.4 ± 1.9% /year in non-decliners. There were no differences in the presence of albuminuria or retinopathy between the rapid decliners and non-decliners at baseline. Multivariable logistic regression analyses revealed that female sex (odds ratio (OR) 4.80 [95% CI 2.69-8.56], p<0.0001), higher urine albumin/creatinine ratio (OR 1.26 [1.03-1.55], p=0.024), presence of carotid artery plaque (OR 2.58 [1.47-4.53], p=0.001), and previous history of hypertension (OR 1.93 [1.09-3.44], p=0.025) and CVD (OR 2.53 [1.24-5.15], p=0.011) were the independent clinical predictors for rapid renal function decline.

Conclusions: Our study suggests the need for close monitoring of renal function and early intensive management in patients with type 2 diabetes and carotid atherosclerosis.


D. Seo: None. S. Kim: None. S. Ahn: None. S. Hong: None. M. Nam: None. J. Woo: None. S. Baik: None. K. Lee: None. Y. Kim: None. Y. Park: None.

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