Background: We asked whether the integration of digital behavioral counseling with employer-sponsored annual biometric screening could reduce the risk of obesity-related chronic disease in a U.S. workforce.

Methods: We evaluated a cohort (n=113) who participated in an employer-sponsored annual wellness program with year-end biometric screening and enrolled in a digital behavioral counseling program. Individuals were included in the analysis if they participated in the wellness program in 2015, had prediabetes (fasting glucose (FG) 100 to 125mg/dL or Hb1Ac 5.7 to 6.4%) and a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 in 2016, and agreed to participate in a digital behavioral counseling program followed by year-end biometric screening in 2017.

Results: The participants were 75% women and 61% Caucasian, 28% African American. At the 2016 year-end biometric screening, which preceded digital behavioral counseling, the characteristics of the cohort (mean± sd) were age, 50.0±9.9 years; BMI, 37.1±8.6 kg/m2; Hb1Ac, 6.1±0.6%; and FG, 106.9±24.2 mg/dL. Following behavioral counseling, 28% of the participants lost 5% or more of body weight. Hb1Ac and FG levels both fell below prediabetic thresholds for 32% of the participants. Other biometric outcome measures improved (Table).

Conclusions: Digital behavioral counseling was effective in reducing risk for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease in a workforce cohort.

 Change in annual biometric screening results  
 The year preceding counseling (2015 to 2016) The year counseling received (2016 to 2017) P value (paired t-Test) 
BMI (kg/m2+0.66 -1.18 <0.0001 
Hb1Ac (%) +0.06 -0.22 0.001 
Fasting Glucose (mg/dL) +5.85 -2.84 0.02 
Triglycerides (mg/dL) +12.0 -17.2 0.01 
10-year ASCVD risk* (%) +1.83 -0.48 0.01 
 Change in annual biometric screening results  
 The year preceding counseling (2015 to 2016) The year counseling received (2016 to 2017) P value (paired t-Test) 
BMI (kg/m2+0.66 -1.18 <0.0001 
Hb1Ac (%) +0.06 -0.22 0.001 
Fasting Glucose (mg/dL) +5.85 -2.84 0.02 
Triglycerides (mg/dL) +12.0 -17.2 0.01 
10-year ASCVD risk* (%) +1.83 -0.48 0.01 

*Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease risk (2013 ACC/AHA Cardiovascular Risk Guideline)


C.E. Birse: Employee; Self; Quest Diagnostics. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Quest Diagnostics. R.J. Lagier: Employee; Self; Quest Diagnostics. P. Chew: Employee; Self; Omada Health, Inc. C.B. Jasik: Employee; Self; Omada Health, Inc. E.N. Madero: Employee; Self; Omada Health, Inc..

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