AIAN women have twice the risk compared to the general U.S. population of adolescent obesity, pregnancy, and GDM. Stopping GDM (SGDM), a GDM risk reduction intervention tailored for at-risk AIAN teens, is based on a validated preconception-counseling program, READY-Girls. Prior to starting a multi-tribal randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test SGDM’s effectiveness, a feasibility study was conducted in Denver, CO with AIAN participants (4 mothers, 5 daughters). Mother-daughter (M-D) dyads were recruited through an Urban Indian Health program. Daughters were at risk for GDM as assessed by BMI >85th percentile and did not have diabetes based on finger-stick HbA1c < 6.5%. Mother’s (M) mean age was 44.4±8.8 years and 100% had some college education; daughter’s (D) mean age was 15.9±2.7 years and 80% were <12th grade. A pre-post online questionnaire evaluated the 2-hour online intervention which included viewing the electronic SGDM book and video. Outcomes included knowledge about GDM, reproductive health and healthy lifestyle, self-efficacy, and satisfaction with the eBook and video. Post open-ended questions revealed that participants had concerns about the font size and length of the materials and enjoyed the video; could relate to the stories, images, and actors; and appreciated learning about GDM specific to AIAN women. Mean pre- to post-knowledge increased for both mothers and daughters on diabetes prevention (M 70% to 80%; D 42% to 60%) and reproductive health and GDM knowledge (M 65% to 92%; D 34% to 71%). Daughters also demonstrated increased self-efficacy for healthy living and pregnancy planning. The eBook, video, and website were scored moderately high to very high on satisfaction.

In conclusion, we determined that the SGDM intervention is feasible and acceptable in AIAN M-D dyads. These findings will be used to finalize the SGDM education materials and data collection protocol for the upcoming full-scale RCT.


K.R. Moore: Advisory Panel; Self; Merck Foundation. S.A. Stotz: None. K.J. Nadeau: None. S.M. Sereika: None. Y. Garcia Reyes: None. H.R. Stein: None. D. Charron-Prochownik: None.

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