Ocho Pasos (Eight Steps) is a culturally relevant diabetes education program designed for low-income, low literacy Latino adults. The main focus is to improve health for those challenged with multiple socio-economic barriers. Classes are taught in Spanish over 8 weeks in a community setting. Diabetes-friendly diet modifications, compatible with culturally appropriate food traditions (e.g., reducing Tortilla consumption), are emphasized. Education, covering T2D risk factors, self-monitoring, stress management, and physical activity, is delivered using images, food models, and visual and tactile teaching aids. HBA1C [A1C Now® (PTS Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN)], BMI, and waist circumference (WC), are measured at first and last classes.

Between July 2015- Dec 2017, 478 adults were enrolled with complete pre- and post-class data available for 127 [77% women]. Of these 38 had HBA1C ≥6.5%, 43 between 5.7-6.4%, and 46 <5.7% at entry. For those with initial HBA1C≥6.5%, this decreased 0.74% [p<0.01]. For those between 5.7-6.4%, HBA1C fell 0.13% vs. entry, [p<0.05]. BMI decreased from 30.7±6.2 to 30.2±6.1 kg.m2 (p<0.01) and WC from 39.5±5.5 to 38.6±5.1 in, [p<0.01]. Daily average Tortilla consumption decreased from 5.1±2.7 to 2.4±2.7 tortillas/day [p<0.01]. Participants who decreased daily tortilla consumption showed a significant reduction in their HBA1C (p<0.05), and 52% also reported more exercise after attending. Participants with HBA1C ≥6.5% had the greatest class attendance; 55% attended >5 classes.

Ocho Pasos a la Buena Salud is an effective diabetes education program for Latinos who face serious health care challenges for achieving optimal glycemic control or prevention of T2D.


J. Creason: None. M.M. Conneely: None. C. Axelrod: None. W.C. Bevier: None. J. Swartzentruber: None. D. Kerr: Advisory Panel; Self; Glooko, Inc.. Research Support; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. Speaker's Bureau; Self; Sanofi-Aventis. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Cellnovo. Advisory Panel; Self; Novo Nordisk Inc..

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