Background: Diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) and medical nutrition therapy (MNT) have been proven to improve patient outcomes. However, many patients rely on their physician solely for diabetes education despite referrals for diabetes education outside of the physician’s office.

Objective: Our aim was to optimize type 2 diabetes management in a family practice clinic by providing patients with individualized DSMES and MNT by a Registered Dietitian inside of the family practice clinic.

Methods: A random sample of 40 charts was chosen from the electronic medical records of patients with type 2 diabetes completing DSMES and individualized MNT with a Registered Dietitian. Data was extracted from a retrospective chart review on hemoglobin A1C levels before and after appointments with the Registered Dietitian in the family practice clinic from September 2015-November 2015. Analyses were used to assess frequency of patients decreasing their hemoglobin A1C levels, which reveals good glycemic control.

Results: A paired sample t test was performed (n=40). The results revealed that post DSMES and MNT Hemoglobin A1C values (M = 6.84%, SD ± 1.0) were significantly lower than the pre DSMES and MNT Hemoglobin A1C values (M = 7.17%, SD ± 1.3), t (40) = 2.89, p < 006.

Conclusions: Many healthcare professionals can give dietary advice to patients, but Registered Dietitians are trained to provide individualized nutrition therapy to patients. Combining the knowledge of the physician and registered dietitian can help patients to reach optimal diabetes control in order to prevent or minimize complications. Research has demonstrated a 1% decrease in Hemoglobin A1C levels result in a 21% reduction in diabetes associated mortality, a 14% reduction in myocardial infarction, and a 37% reduction in microvascular complications.


B.H. Chester: Employee; Self; Huntsville Hospital Diabetes Control Center, Wayne G. Stanley, MD, PC, Boston Heart Diagnostics. W.G. Stanley: Other Relationship; Self; Wayne G. Stanley, MD, PC. G. Thangiah: None.

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