Patients with T2D inadequately controlled by metformin require additional oral antidiabetes agent(s), injected GLP-1 or basal insulin. Although insulin has greater effect on A1C than a DPP-4 or SGLT2 inhibitor, its higher rates of hypoglycemia, weight gain and regimen burden might decrease satisfaction and quality of life. We analyzed patient-reported outcomes (PRO) from patients with T2D inadequately controlled by metformin ± sulfonylurea during an international, randomized, 24-week, open-label, non-inferiority trial (NCT02551874) of dapagliflozin plus saxagliptin add-on (DAPA + SAXA, n = 324) compared to titrated insulin glargine add-on (INS, n = 319). A1C and PRO questionnaires were obtained at baseline and weeks 12 and 24. Baseline data were: 54.0% male; 80.4% white; 60.7% working ≥3 days/week; age 55.5 ± 9.6 years; A1C 9.0 ± 1.0%; BMI 32.2 ± 5.3 kg/m2; diabetes duration 9.4 ± 6.3 years. Overall Satisfaction, Regimen Acceptance and its eight subscales, Net Benefit and Preference subscale, and Weight Concern all favored DAPA + SAXA at week 24 (Table). Quality of life scales favored DAPA + SAXA at week 12, but were not different at week 24. Compared to INS, DAPA + SAXA had greater treatment satisfaction and acceptance, better short-term quality of life, and less burden and concern about weight gain, hypoglycemia and pain despite comparable A1C.

Change from baseline in HbA1c and PRO at Wk 24 [LS Mean (SE)]: Higher value denotes better outcome

Wk-24 Endpoint DAPA + SAXA + Metformin INS + Metformin P-value Wk-24 Endpoint DAPA + SAXA + Metformin INS + Metformin P-value 
HbA1c (%) −1.67 (0.06) −1.54 (0.06) 0.118 -- Interference 6.45 (0.98) 2.75 (1.00) 0.009 
Overall Satisfaction 10.14 (0.63) 6.19 (0.64) <0.0001 -- Social 4.32 (0.83) 0.62 (0.85) 0.002 
- Regimen Acceptance 7.00 (0.72) 2.28 (0.73) <0.0001 -- Pain 4.41 (0.94) −1.93 (0.96) <0.0001 
-- Burden 7.70 (0.85) 2.48 (0.86) <0.0001 -- Side Effects 6.(0.99) 0.17 (1.00) <0.0001 
-- Convenience 8.01 (0.89) 2.95 (0.91) <0.0001 - Net Benefit 17.36 (0.67) 15.34 (0.68) 0.035 
-- Flexibility 9.91 (1.01) 4.69 (1.02) <0.001 -- Preference 30.69 (1.24) 26.26 (1.26) 0.012 
-- Hassle 5.92 (0.94) 1.83 (0.95) 0.002 Weight Concern 17.68 (2.46) 10.38 (2.50) 0.038 
Wk-24 Endpoint DAPA + SAXA + Metformin INS + Metformin P-value Wk-24 Endpoint DAPA + SAXA + Metformin INS + Metformin P-value 
HbA1c (%) −1.67 (0.06) −1.54 (0.06) 0.118 -- Interference 6.45 (0.98) 2.75 (1.00) 0.009 
Overall Satisfaction 10.14 (0.63) 6.19 (0.64) <0.0001 -- Social 4.32 (0.83) 0.62 (0.85) 0.002 
- Regimen Acceptance 7.00 (0.72) 2.28 (0.73) <0.0001 -- Pain 4.41 (0.94) −1.93 (0.96) <0.0001 
-- Burden 7.70 (0.85) 2.48 (0.86) <0.0001 -- Side Effects 6.(0.99) 0.17 (1.00) <0.0001 
-- Convenience 8.01 (0.89) 2.95 (0.91) <0.0001 - Net Benefit 17.36 (0.67) 15.34 (0.68) 0.035 
-- Flexibility 9.91 (1.01) 4.69 (1.02) <0.001 -- Preference 30.69 (1.24) 26.26 (1.26) 0.012 
-- Hassle 5.92 (0.94) 1.83 (0.95) 0.002 Weight Concern 17.68 (2.46) 10.38 (2.50) 0.038 


M.A. Testa: Stock/Shareholder; Spouse/Partner; GI Windows, Inc.. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Phase V Technologies, Inc. D.C. Simonson: Advisory Panel; Self; GI Windows, Inc.. Stock/Shareholder; Self; GI Windows, Inc.. Stock/Shareholder; Spouse/Partner; Phase V Technologies, Inc. E. Ekholm: None. M. Su: None. E.K. Johnsson: Employee; Self; AstraZeneca.

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