Aims: To study characteristics of type 1 diabetic patients who stop Flash Glucose Monitoring (FGM) during the first year of use in a pediatric hospital.

Methods: This retrospective study included all type 1 diabetic children and adolescents who switched to FGM in our center and for whom A1c, FGM data, sensor related adverse events and satisfaction scores were available.

Results: On the 278 subjects (aged 4-20 years) included in the study, 44 (15.8%) came back to SMBG during the first 12.7 (11.9-13.5) months [median (IQR)] of follow-up. Adverse events were more often reported, including premature loss of the sensor (31.8% vs. 12.4%; p=0.001), skin reactions (18.2% vs. 2.6%; p<0.001) and local pain (6.8% vs. 0%; p<0.001). They were also less satisfied by the FGM than continuing users (p<0.001). Subjects who discontinued FGM had a diabetes of longer duration (7.3 (4.5-10.5) vs. 5.2 (3.1-7.7) years; p=0.002) and a higher A1c (7.9% (7.5-8.4) vs. 7.5 (6.8-8.0); p=0.002). After two months, they scanned less often (6.0 [4.0-7.8] vs. 7.0 [5.0-10.0] per day; p=0.022) and those scanning less than 7 times a day stopped FGM more quickly (p<0.001).

Conclusions: In a pediatric population FGM is discontinued more often in patients experiencing adverse events, with higher A1c and scanning less. These patients are also older and have a diabetes of longer duration.

A. Messaaoui: None. S. Tenoutasse: None. L. Crenier: None.

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