While clinical trials have demonstrated significant benefits of insulin pump therapy for type 1 diabetes, there is increasing recognition of the importance of real-world population data to better understand the impact of diabetes technology on treatment outcomes. This study retrospectively analyzed data from a large cohort of adults with type 1 diabetes using the Omnipod® Insulin Management System (Insulet Corp., Acton, MA) with an integrated BG meter (Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., Alameda, CA) and data management system (Glooko, Mountain View, CA) to characterize glycemic profiles, insulin use and treatment patterns. From January 2015 through September 2018, pump system data were uploaded to the data management system and matched via device serial number to a second database of self-reported demographic data and de-identified. BG and insulin data from ≥3 mo of system use per patient were analyzed. Adults ≥18 y with type 1 diabetes (n=8,020) were age (mean±SD) 40.8±15.3y, 60% female, 61% used a tubeless insulin pump for ≥1 y and 13% used CGM for >50% of overall time of system use. Glycemic profiles included mean glucose 177±39 mg/dL, estimated A1C 7.8%, percent time in target range 70-180 mg/dL, hypoglycemia <70 mg/dL and hyperglycemia >180 mg/dL: 50.2±17.3, 5.9±5.0, and 43.9±18.3, respectively. The total daily insulin was 43.4±18.7 U/d which was delivered as 54% basal and 46% bolus. There were an average of 4.7±2.2 bolus deliveries per day and the average bolus amount was 4.5±2.8 U. These real-world glycemic profiles in adults with type 1 diabetes using the Omnipod® System support the use of diabetes technology in the management of type 1 diabetes. These data indicate that use of a tubeless insulin pump is associated with outcomes that compare favorably to large national registries including the T1D Exchange.


J.E. Layne: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. J. He: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. J. Jantz: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. Employee; Spouse/Partner; Insulet Corporation. Y. Zheng: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Insulet Corporation. E. Benjamin: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation. T.T. Ly: Employee; Self; Insulet Corporation.


Insulet Corporation

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