Our study aims to explore the insulin requirement profiles of short-term intensive continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy. CSII was applied in 68 patients with diagnosed type 2 diabetic nephropathy (using Paradigm 712, Medtronic). Daily insulin doses were titrated and recorded to achieve and maintain target glucose levels (FPG<7.0mmol/L and 2hPBG<10mmol/L) for 8-12 days. The patients were 60.0±13.1 years in age, 45.6% female (n=31), mean duration 11.3±7.2 years, BMI 25.0±3.3 kg/m2, mean HbA1c of 9.4±2.5%, median urinary microalbumin/creatine 78.2 mg/g (inter-quartile range 36.0-274.6 mg/g), and median creatine 72.0umol/l (inter-quartile range 53.5-110.8 umol/l). At the first day after the glycemic targets were achieved (Day1), total daily insulin dose (TDD), total basal and premeal dose were 44.3±17.5 IU (0.67±0.27 IU/kg), 19.6±9.2 IU (0.30±0.14 IU/kg) and 24.7±10.3 IU (0.37±0.15 IU/kg), respectively. At the end of CSII therapy, TDD was 43.7±18.1 IU (0.66±0.28 IU/kg). Total basal dose and total pre-meal dose were 19.2±9.0 IU (0.29±0.14 IU/kg, P>0.05 compared with Day1) and 24.5±11.2 (0.37±0.17 IU/kg, P > 0.05 compared with Day1), respectively. The ratio of basal insulin dose to TDD were 44%±11% at Day1 and 44%±12% at the end, respectively. The ratio of basal insulin dose to TDD at day 1 were 45%±11% and 40%±9% in subjects with eGFR >60ml/min (n=48) or eGFR <60ml/min (n=20), respectively (P=0.11). The ratio of basal insulin dose to TDD at day 1 were 49%±18% and 39%±12% in subjects with eGFR 60-90 ml/min or eGFR <30ml/min, respectively (P=0.041). The TDD at Day1 were 45.8±12.4 IU in subjects with 40.9±26.1 IU in subjects with eGFR >60ml/min or eGFR <60ml/min, respectively (P>0.05). These results suggested the ratio of basal insulin dose to TDD might be decreased while eGFR declined in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy.


S. Lin: None. K. Zhang: None. P. Li: None. K. Fang: None. L. Zeng: None.


Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province (2017A020215026); Medical Scientific Research Foundation of Guangdong Province (A2017314)

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