The clear trajectory of improvement in paediatric diabetes outcomes in England and Wales since 2009 can be traced to a co-ordinated national programme of support for the 173 multi-disciplinary teams that care for 29,153 children and young people with diabetes and their families. With the introduction of a Best Practice Tariff in England by the Department of Health in 2011 and the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) alongside formation of 11 regional networks and an overarching national network, there has been a marked reduction in national median HbA1c levels from 73mmol/mol in 2009 to 64mmol/mol in 2017. To maintain momentum towards achieving further improvement and build on existing progress demonstrated by the NPDA and Patient Reported Experience Measures, a new way to engage teams and their host organisations has been developed. A National Children and Young People’s Diabetes Quality Programme encompassing peer review, self-assessment and quality improvement collaborative has been established to close the audit loop and provide teams with the support and tools to identify, design and analyse their own interventions specific to the needs of the children and young people they care for. The aim is to drive sustainable development of paediatric diabetes services in England and Wales and help bring transformative improvements to the wellbeing and care of children and young people with diabetes and their families for the future.


M.F. Peng: None. J. Warner: None. H. Robinson: None. K. Muszynska: None. S. Eardley: None. F.M. Campbell: None.

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