DELIVER - High Risk study compared long-term clinical outcomes for patients with T2D and high hypoglycemia risk on first-generation BIs who were switched to Gla-300 or other first-generation BIs (other switchers). Electronic medical record data from the PHIE database were used. Eligible patients (age >18 years) had ≥1 criterion for high hypoglycemia risk (age >64 years; basal-bolus insulin use; renal impairment; uncontrolled baseline A1C; sulfonylurea use; atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; history indicating high risk, including ≥1 severe hypoglycemic episode (prior 12 months). Endpoints were A1C reduction from baseline to 9-12 months, attainment of A1C goals (<7.0%; <8.0%), and hypoglycemia (based on ICD-9-CM codes or blood glucose ≤70 mg/dL) at 12 months. In a propensity score-matched comparison of Gla-300 vs. other switchers (Table), mean A1C reduction from baseline and attainment of A1C goals were comparable. Significantly fewer Gla-300 vs. other switchers experienced inpatient/ED-related hypoglycemia. For T2D patients at high hypoglycemia risk in a real-world setting, Gla-300 was associated with a significantly lower risk of hypoglycemia than switching to other BIs, 1 year after switching, while delivering similar glycemic control.


S.D. Sullivan: Research Support; Self; Sanofi. N. Freemantle: Advisory Panel; Self; Sanofi. Research Support; Self; Akcea Therapeutics, Allergan, AstraZeneca, Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., Sanofi, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. Speaker’s Bureau; Self; Sanofi. A.A. Menon: None. R. Gupta: None. J. Wu: Employee; Self; Sanofi US. C. Nicholls: Employee; Self; Sanofi. J. Westerbacka: Employee; Self; Sanofi. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Sanofi. T.S. Bailey: Advisory Panel; Self; Abbott. Consultant; Self; Capillary Biomedical, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Medtronic, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi. Research Support; Self; Abbott, Ascensia Diabetes Care, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Calibra Medical, Capillary Biomedical, Inc., Companion Medical, Dance Biopharm Holdings Inc., Dexcom, Inc., Diasome Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, GlySens Incorporated, Kowa Pharmaceutical Europe Co. Ltd., Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Medtronic, Novo Nordisk Inc., POPS! Diabetes Care, POPS! Diabetes Care, Sanofi, Senseonics, vTv Therapeutics, Xeris Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Zealand Pharma A/S. Speaker’s Bureau; Self; Abbott, MannKind Corporation, Medtronic, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi US, Senseonics.



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