Two cross-sectional epidemiological surveys were done in 2006 (Ramachandran A et al, Diabetes Care 2008) and 2016 (Nanditha A et al, Diabetes Care 2019, in press) in the same locations in men and women aged ≥ 20 years. We analyzed the increasing trend in dyslipidaemia among populations of varied levels of urbanization and socio-economic development in a 10 year period. Anthropometric measurements, clinical history, blood glucose and fasting serum lipid parameters were measured. The cut-off value suggested by the World Health Organization for Asian Indians for obesity was used. Prevalence of dyslipidaemia was calculated using the National Cholesterol Education Program criteria (NCEP Executive Summary, JAMA 2001). Prevalence of anthropometric and lipid abnormalities in 2006 and 2016 are shown in the Table. The total number screened were 7066 in 2006 and 9848 in 2016. Significant increases (p<0.0001) in the prevalence of generalized obesity and abdominal obesity were observed in the urban and even among the rural populations. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDLc, LDLc, and non-HDLc showed significant increase in all three areas except for HDLc in the town. The increasing prevalence of diabetes, prediabetes and abdominal obesity, noted in the primary study, could have been the major determinant for the rising trend in dyslipidaemia in these populations.


A. Nanditha: None. A. Raghavan: None. P. Susairaj: None. K. Satheesh: None. M. Simon: None. R. Vinitha: None. C. Snehalatha: None. A. Ramachandran: None.

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