Clinical guidelines and national programs recommend control of ABCS risk factors [glycohemoglobin (A1c), Blood pressure, Cholesterol, and Smoking] to reduce diabetes-related comorbidities and mortality. We investigated changes in meeting the ABCS goals (A1c <8.0%, blood pressure (BP) <140/90 mmHg, non-HDL cholesterol <160 mg/dL, and current non-smoker) among U.S. adults with diagnosed diabetes (DM). Proportion and changes of adults aged ≥18 years with DM and who met each and all ABCS goals were estimated using data on 5,534 participants from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2016. In U.S. adults with DM from 1999-2004 to 2011-2016, there was an increase in the proportion meeting the goals of: BP (67% to 73%, p=0.003), non-HDL cholesterol (59% to 77%, p<0.001), and current non-smoking (74% to 81%, p<0.001). However, meeting the A1c goal increased (p=0.001) from 70% in 1999-2004 to 78% in 2005-2010 then decreased (p=0.004) to 71% in 2011-2016 (A1c goal 1999-2004 versus 2011-2016, p=0.53). The proportion of adults with diabetes meeting all four ABCS risk factors goals significantly increased from 18% in 1999-2004 to 32% in 2011-2016 (p<0.001). Control of risk factors for DM complications has improved during 1999-2016 with about a 15% point increase of U.S. adults with DM meeting all four ABCS risk factors goals. Thus, long-term improvements in ABCS appear to be continuing with the exception of A1c levels.


C. Mercado: None. K.M. Bullard: None. M.K. Ali: None. G. Imperatore: None. S. Saydah: None. E. Gregg: None.

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