Background: Understanding the long-term cardiovascular safety of type 2 diabetes (T2D) medications is a high-priority research area. We used electronic medical record (EMR) data in the National Patient Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet) to characterize “real-world” use of T2D medications.

Methods and Results: We identified a retrospective cohort of patients with T2D using a validated computable phenotype. We queried 4 unique PCORnet sites for data regarding T2D medication use in the 90 days before and after cohort entry. We described patient demographics, comorbidities, non-T2D medication use, and clinical variables in the 730 days prior to cohort entry. We identified 49,654 patients with T2D across the 4 sites (range: 2,276-20,322). Use of T2D medications, characterized by pharmacologic class, and selected characteristics are presented in Table. Among patients prescribed a single class of T2D medication, metformin was the most common (52.5%). Among patients prescribed multiple classes of T2D agents, the most common combination was metformin and sulfonylureas (49%).

Conclusions: Across 4 PCORnet sites, metformin-based regimens were very prevalent, and approximately 10% of regimens included newer agents. PCORnet will be a valuable resource for future observational studies of T2D medications and long-term cardiovascular outcomes in “real-world” populations.

K.N. Bachmann: Stock/Shareholder; Self; Medtronic. C. Roumie: None. A.D. Wiese: None. C.G. Grijalva: None. J.B. Buse: Consultant; Self; Neurimmune AG. Research Support; Self; AstraZeneca, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi, vTv Therapeutics. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Mellitus Health, PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Stability Health. Other Relationship; Self; ADOCIA, AstraZeneca, Dance Biopharm Holdings Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, MannKind Corporation, NovaTarg, Novo Nordisk A/S, Senseonics, vTv Therapeutics, Zafgen, Inc. R. Bradford: None. E.O. Zalimeni: None. P. Knoepp: None. H.L. Morris: None. W.T. Donahoo: None. N. Fanous: None. V. Fonseca: Board Member; Self; American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Consultant; Self; Abbott, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi US, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. Research Support; Self; Bayer US. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Amgen Inc., BRAVO4HEALTH, Mellitus Health. B. Katalenich: None. M.M. Cook: None. R.L. Rothman: Consultant; Self; Abbott, edlogics. R.J. Chakkalakal: None.


National Institutes of Health (UL1TR002489, UL1TR002489); U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (IK2CX001678); Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (CDRN-1306-04869)

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