Aim: Visit-to-visit variability (VVV) of HbA1c was reported to be the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, factors related to VVV of HbA1c remain unclear. This study is first examined relationship between VVV of HbA1c and various parameters including VVV of blood pressure (BP), low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), and body mass index (BMI).

Material and Methods: Analyzed were 4,678 patients with T2DM throughout Japan (38 hospitals). The inclusion criteria were patients whose HbA1c, BP, LDL-C, and BMI were measured 12 or more times during the 24-month period. VVV of HbA1c, BP, LDL-C, and BMI were evaluated using the coefficient of variation (CV). This study is sub-analysis of ABC trial (UMIN000034231).

Results: Mean age of participants was 61.3 ± 9.4 years (mean ± SD) and HbA1c was 57.2 ± 13.5 mmol/mol (7.4 ± 1.2%). Table shows univariate correlate and multiple regression analysis of HbA1c CV. HbA1c CV was correlated with HbA1c baseline, SBP CV, LDL-C CV, and BMI CV. In the multiple regression analysis, HbA1c baseline, LDL-C, and BMI CV were the strongest predictors of HbA1c CV.

Conclusion: VVV of HbA1c was strongly correlated with VVV of LDL-C and BMI, and HbA1c baseline in patients with T2DM. A large-scale clinical trial needs to be conducted to clarify factors affecting VVV of HbA1c.

S. Minato: None. D. Matsutani: None. Y. Tsujimoto: None. Y. Kayama: None. M. Sakamoto: None. M. Nishikawa: None. K. Utsunomiya: None.

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