Some studies have reported falling mortality among populations with diabetes, but the consistency of this trend is unclear. We systematically reviewed studies published from 1980-2017 reporting all-cause mortality across 2 time-periods in people with diabetes. A total of 35 studies were found, providing data on 56 sex-specific or total populations with diabetes or type 2 diabetes. All studies were from high-income countries. Mortality declined in 80% of populations with diabetes in the 1980s, 53% in the 1990s, and 85% from 2000 onwards (Table). Falling mortality in diabetes occurred in 87% of Europid populations and in 10% of non-Europid populations. Of 25 populations with age-specific data, mortality declined in 29% of populations aged <40 years and in >60% of populations aged >55 years. Of 37 populations that reported on those with and without diabetes, greater or similar mortality reduction was observed among those with diabetes than without diabetes in 70% of populations.

In conclusion, mortality has declined in the majority of Europid populations with diabetes since 1980. However, most non-Europid and most younger populations show no such declines.

L. Chen: None. R.M. Islam: None. J. Wang: None. T.R. Hird: None. M.E. Pavkov: None. E.W. Gregg: None. M. Tabesh: None. D. Koye: None. J.L. Harding: None. J.W. Sacre: None. E.L. Barr: None. D.J. Magliano: None. J.E. Shaw: Advisory Panel; Self; Abbott, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Speaker's Bureau; Self; AstraZeneca, Mylan, Roche Diabetes Care, Sanofi-Aventis.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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