We have successfully implemented the ADA’s Diabetes INSIDE® QI program at a University hospital and safety-net health system (Tulane and Parkland), focused on system-wide improvement in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes (A1c>8.0%). We extrapolated clinical outcomes of the QI program on a 5-year risk of complications, utilizing a validated risk prediction model: Building, Relating, Assessing, Validating of Outcomes (BRAVO) simulation model. We measured the differences between the baseline and post-intervention values of risk factors in 2,429 individuals with A1c >8% at baseline and used the BRAVO model to project the 5-year risk reduction of diabetes-related complications under the assumption that intervention benefits diminished with time. The intervention period was defined as one year and the post-intervention period as the subsequent six months. The QI program was associated with reductions in A1c (-0.84%) and LDL-C (-5.94 mg/dl) among individuals with A1c level >8.0%, with greater reduction in A1c (-1.67%) and LDL-C (-6.81 mg/dl) among those with A1c level > 9.5% at baseline (all p<0.05). The potential outcome of the QI program on 5-year risk of complications are presented in Fig 1. Our outcomes model suggests that the observed risk factor reduction is projected to lead to clinically significant 5-year risk of events - benefiting patients and population health as it relates to future complications burden."


H. Shao: None. L. Shi: None. R.E. Furman: None. L. Meneghini: Advisory Panel; Self; AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi-Aventis. Consultant; Self; Sanofi-Aventis. Other Relationship; Self; American Diabetes Association. T.S. Harlan: None. V. Fonseca: Board Member; Self; American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Consultant; Self; Abbott, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi US, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. Research Support; Self; Bayer US. Stock/Shareholder; Self; Amgen Inc., Bravo4health, Mellitus Health.


Lilly USA, LLC; Novo Nordisk; Sanofi

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