Aim: To analyze changes in Fatty Liver Index (FLI) in obese and T2DM patients under treatment with GLP-1RA - SGLT2i combination.
Methods: Observational, prospective, multicenter study. Patients were stratified according to predetermined treatment schedule groups (successively vs. simultaneously).
Results: We included 142 patients (59.1% men, mean age 60.8±8.9 years). 76.7% had hypertension and 81.7% dyslipidemia. The BMI was 36.9 ±.7.1 kg/m2, FLI was 97±11, A1C was 8.0% ±1.5%, Triglyceride (Tg) was 158±102 mg/dl, Waist circumference (WC) 120.3 cm and gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT) was 43±45 UI/L. At 26 weeks follow-up we found a significant reduction in FLI (-5 points; p<0.0000), A1C (-1.1%; p<0.0001), BMI (-2.1 kg/m2; p<0.00003), GGT (-11 UI/L; p<0.0003), WC (-6.7 cm; p<0.000) and Tg (-28.5; p<0.01). Table 1 expands results in predetermined groups.
Discussion: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the absence of other causes of steatosis. FLI is an accurate algorithm which can be used as a surrogate marker of steatosis; it combines measures of Tg, GGT, WC and BMI. GLP-1RA have direct effects on hepatocytes improving liver histology and reducing GGT levels. However, data on SGLT2i over the liver fat are scarce. Our study demonstrated that the combination of GLP-1RAs-SGLT2i reduces liver fat in patients with T2DM being positively correlated with improvement in A1C, BMI, WC and GGT.
J. Carretero Gómez: None. J. Arevalo Lorido: None. R. Gómez-Huelgas: None. J. Seguí-Ripoll: None. M. Suarez Tembra: None. J. Casas: None. J. Carrasco: None.