Background: We previously reported that a MedDiet, supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) and pistachios, reduces GDM incidence (WHO criteria) and several adverse outcomes. To assess effects in the in the real world we evaluated the adoption of a MedDiet starting at the 1st gestational visit on the rate of GDM (compared with the control group/CG and intervention group/IG from the previous trial). We also compared the rate of adverse perinatal outcomes between women with and without GDM.
Research Design and Methods: This is a prospective, clinic-based, interventional study with a single group. All normoglycemic women attending their 1st gestational visit <12 gestational weeks (GW) between November 2016-2017 were invited to participate; 1066 signed an informed consent. Women received lifestyle guidance with emphasis on consuming EVOO and nuts daily. 932 women were analyzed. Binary regression analyses were performed to assess the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational weight gain (GWG), C-section, perineal trauma, preterm delivery, small/large-gestational-age new-borns and admissions in neonatal ICU and observation.
Results: GDM rate was of 13.9%; this was significantly lower than the CG: RR 0.81 (0.73-9.28),p<0.001 and no different to the IG:RR 0.96 (0.85-1.07),p=0.468. GWG (kg) was lower in GDM women (10.88±6.46 vs. 12.30±5.42; p=0.013). Excessive weight gain was also lower (RR 0.91 (0.86-0.96)) without a significant increase of insufficient weight gain. We found no differences in any perinatal adverse outcomes.
Conclusion: This study translates evidence to clinical practice, providing a universal and easy-to-apply approach to reduce GDM. An early nutritional intervention before GDM diagnosis ameliorates differences in maternofoetal adverse outcomes between GDM and no-GDM women.
A. Duran: None. N. Garcia de la Torre: None. C. Assaf-Balut: None. L. Del Valle: None. J. Ines: None. J. Valerio Deogracia: None. E. Bordiu: None. M. Fuentes: None. A. Barabash: None. M. Cuesta: None. M.A. Rubio: None. A.L. Calle: None.
Instituto de Salud Carlos III of Spain; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional; Sociedad de Endocrinolog?a Nutrici?n y Diabetes de la Comunidad de Madrid (IPI/2017/NR2)