Introduction: Patients with type 2 diabetes (DM) are known to have decreased metabolic flexibility when switching between carbohydrate and lipid oxidation. Our aim was to assess the energy substrates utilization in patients with isolated heart failure (HF) and HF with DM.

Methods: A cross-sectional comparative trial with 77 subjects in 4 age matched groups. 21 healthy subjects (HF-DM-), 14 patients with HF alone (HF+DM-), 21 patients with diabetes alone (HF-DM+) and 21 patients with DM or prediabetes and heart failure (HF+DM+). The subjects underwent indirect calorimetry before and during hyperinsulinemic isoglycemic clamp.

Results: Metabolic clearance of glucose (MCG) was significantly lower (p ˂ 0.05) in the groups of patients with DM+ (HF-DM-: 6.08 ± 2.03; HF+DM-: 5.86 ± 2.37; HF-DM+: 4.29 ± 2.2; HF+DM+: 3.9 ± 1.76 ml/kg.min). Compared to healthy subjects all the other groups had significantly smaller increase in respiratory quotient during clamp (p ˂ 0.01 for HF-DM- vs. HF+DM- and HF-DM- vs. HF-DM+; p ˂ 0.05 for HF-DM- vs. HF+DM+). Differences between groups with isolated HF and isolated DM were not significant, see Table.

Conclusions: Our results on a unique group of patients show similarly deteriorated metabolic flexibility of carbohydrate versus lipid oxidation in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure supporting the comparable deleterious effect of both diseases on utilization of energy substrates.


E. Hošková: None. J. Kopecky: None. J. Veleba: None. K. Velebova: None. V. Melenovsky: None. T. Pelikanova: None.


Czech Health Research Council (AZV16-27496A)

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