Objective: Youth with T1D who experience avoidable complications often have dangerously high and relatively stable A1c values. Although Novel Interventions in Children’s Healthcare (NICH) has demonstrated success improving A1c in these youth, this is the first study to compare the A1c values of those served by NICH to those of a control group.

Methods: Youth with T1D and avoidable complications were referred to NICH (n=110). A subset had available lab values and chronically high A1c (≥10%; n=67); 36 received NICH, and 31 were denied NICH by insurance (i.e., unserved). No significant demographic differences existed between NICH and unserved youth (M age= 14.1 years; 54% female; 78% non-Hispanic white). Medical record review included 1 year prior to, during, and two years following NICH.

Results: NICH youth had lower A1c values during (11.1%), 1 year post (11.2%), and 2 years post (11.2%) NICH, when compared to pre-treatment A1c (12.0%; p<.05). Unserved youth did not show meaningful changes when comparing pre-A1c (11.5%) to similar time periods (i.e., 10.9%, 12.0%, 12.2%). Compared to unserved youth, NICH youth demonstrated larger A1c reduction one (p<.01) and two years (p<.05) post treatment.

Conclusions: This study was the first to compare the A1c of NICH youth to a comparable control group. NICH youth demonstrated and maintained improved A1c after treatment, while those denied access did not demonstrate similar changes.


D.V. Wagner: None. J. Mahon: None. C. Jenisch: None. S.A. Barry: None. H. Luzod: None. K. Kraus: None. M.A. Harris: None.


The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

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