Metabolic syndrome (MS), which affects ∼23% of the U.S. population, dramatically increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes. While pharmacotherapies are available to treat diabetes (DIA), few strategies exist that target visceral adiposity (VA) as a means to reduce risk of current and future morbidity and mortality. Commercial weight loss programs target body weight but provide minimal effect on actual components of MS including VA. The 20Lighter Program (T20LP), employs change in VA as a primary outcome measure and clinical indicator of CVD and metabolic disease risk reduction. A retrospective review, via an IRB-approved protocol, of the first 2200 participants completing T20LP found 270 reported taking at least one prescription DIA medication (oral and/or injectable) at the time of enrollment. From baseline to 60 days, each group (diabetes, DIA; and nondiabetes, non-DIA) showed statistically significant and clinically meaningful reductions in body weight (13.8±1.1%; 14.0±0.32%), Body Mass Index (BMI) (13.2±0.14%; 13.4±0.06%), body fat (15.4±0.30%; 15.5±0.15%), and VA (25.2±0.18%; 25.8±0.09%). When the two groups were compared, a small numerical divergence in mean change was found in some outcomes favoring the DIA group, but none held statistical significance. Data reported as: (DIA; non-DIA) and shown as mean±SEM. Our data show participants on prescription medications for DIA attain significant and clinically relevant reductions in body weight, BMI, body fat, and VA. Diabetics participating in T20LP are capable of achieving body composition and metabolic improvements on par with nondiabetics, and nondiabetics showed no advantage in any physiologic or metabolic outcome in our study. T20LP is a comprehensive lifestyle program complementing existing strategies to provide overweight and obese adults and teens diagnosed with and at risk of MS with safe and effective weight loss and VA reduction.


G. Dembrowski: Stock/Shareholder; Self; 20Lighter Program. Stock/Shareholder; Spouse/Partner; 20Lighter Program. J. Barnes: Stock/Shareholder; Self; 20Lighter Program. Stock/Shareholder; Spouse/Partner; 20Lighter Program.

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