Background: Diabetes is India’s major health concern due to its high disease burden.
Objective: Evaluate management practices in Indian T2DM participants with/without co-morbidities and risk factors based on ADA/AACE guidelines.
Methods: A real world, prospective, cross sectional, observational LEADD study in T2DM participants conducted at 226 sites. Participants with informed consent, were enrolled. Demographics, disease family history, comorbidities, lab data, and treatment as available was analyzed with descriptive statistics. “n” signifies number of participants analyzed for each parameter.
Results: A total of 4002 participant’s records were evaluated. Mean age was 55.7 ± 11.5 years (n=3822), 52.5% males (n=1697/3230) and 66.5% had BMI of ≥25 kg/m2 (n=1868/2808). Average duration of T2DM was 7.6± 6.0 years (n = 2855) with mean values of Hb1Ac 8.15± 1.7% (n=2577), LDL 117.7±37.6mg/dl (n = 2545) and serum creatinine 1.34 ± 2.5 mEq/L (n= 2086). LDL-C levels (≥100mg/dl), 69.3% (n = 1764/2545), non-HDL C high (≥ 160mg/dl) in 42.6% (n= 1039/2438) was analyzed. Most common comorbidities were: Hypertension (68.3%, n = 1826/2673), dyslipidemia (52.3%, n = 1399/2673). Rosuvastatin was given in 87% (n=2419/2757) participants. Hb1Ac ≧7% was in 77.7% (n=2003/2577), blood pressure >140/90mmHg (n = 596/1826) in 32.6% participants. In ≥80% participants with ASCVD/ASCVD risk factors were not prescribed antihyperlipidemic drugs per recommendation by AACE/ADA guidelines.
Conclusion: Significant participants with Diabetes had hypertension, hyperlipidemia as co-morbidities. T2DM participants have high ASCVD risk, many participants with co-morbidities were not optimally treated to goal. A need to strive for stringent control of Hb1Ac, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, as per AACE/ADA guidelines, is desired for better patient outcome.
A. Unnikrishnan: Other Relationship; Self; Abbott, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Dr. Reddys Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, Eris Pharmaceuticals, Ipca Laboratories Ltd., MSD, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi. A.K. Das: None. B.D. Saboo: None. S. Kalra: None.
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories; Diabetes Care India