Stigma toward antidepressants (STA) undermines effectiveness of depression care for Latinos with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in safety-net clinics. However, we don’t know who are more susceptible to STA among Latinos with T2DM and comorbid depression in safety-net clinics. To fill this gap, we analyzed cross-sectional data collected from 333 Latino patients recruited from three safety-net clinics located within Latino ethnic enclaves in Los Angeles, California. We analyzed a portion of baseline survey in a randomized clinical trial that tested the effectiveness of community health workers in safety-net clinics, accredited Patient-Centered Medical Home, and participants had to show PHQ-9 score ≥10 to be eligible (56.6 the mean age; 13.8% male; 91.0% Spanish only; 75.4% below high school; 46.8% married). STA was measured by the Latino Scale for Antidepressant Stigma (LSAS). Predictors include patient’s demographic attributes (age, gender, Spanish speaking, education, marital status), depression status (previous diagnosis with major depressive disorder, PHQ-9 score), the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC), and the Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease (SEMCD). When compared patients who endorsed any stigma (LSAS ≥1; N=217) and those who didn’t (LSAS ≥ 0; N=116), those with any stigma were less likely to be married (p<.01) and reported lower PACIC score (p<.01) Multiple regression was used to identify factors associated with STA. The adjusted R square was 0.098, and speaking Spanish (β=.12; p<.05), never married (β =.12; p<.01; ref=married), and SEMCD (β=-.19; p<.01) were associated with STA. When a Latino patient with T2DM was screened for elevated depressive symptoms and is prescribed with antidepressants in a community health center, services helping debunk stigma is recommended to those speaking Spanish, isolated, or presenting lower self-efficacy for managing diabetes.
H. Oh: None. K. Ell: None.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute