Background: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a major cause of emergencies in youth with type 1 diabetes constituting a health burden. Nonadherence and knowledge gaps are key contributors. Patients with mild ketosis and dehydration are typically managed in the EC without multidisciplinary evaluation.

Objective: We developed a quality improvement initiative to improve access and reduce emergency center (EC) visits for pediatric patients with type I diabetes with mild ketosis not tolerating oral intake, and to deliver family centered multidisciplinary education addressing diabetes knowledge gaps and psychosocial barriers.

Methods: A multidisciplinary focus group of physicians, nurses, certified diabetes educators (CDE), and social workers (SW), determined criteria for patients who could be cared for in Urgent Care Bay (UCB) rather than EC. Eligible patients with type 1 diabetes were >5 years old who could not tolerate oral intake, and had low-to-moderate ketones. SW identified and addressed psychosocial barriers to optimal diabetes management. CDE assessed and provided structured education addressing knowledge gaps.

Results: Of 17 referred patients, 9 were seen in UCB (8 by CDE; 7 by SW). None required transfer to EC. SW referred 4 patients to psychology: 2 seen in UCB, 2 referred to community psychology. Time spent in multidisciplinary UCB visit was not longer than traditional EC-managed visits.

Conclusion: This multidisciplinary approach may help pediatric patients with diabetes with mild ketosis who are not tolerating oral intake. Multidisciplinary teaching and psychosocial interventions provided while patients are only mildly sick may help patients avoid future admissions. It remains to be seen whether this comprehensive model of education and hydration of mildly sick patients with diabetes will provide cost effectiveness in terms of overall EC admissions.


G.K. Kim: None. A. Mixon: None. M.A. Marshall: None. M.E. Taub: None. M. Jaramillo: None. D. Scroggins: None. N. Bansal: None. L. Karaviti: None. S. Mckay: None.

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